UnNews:Emma Stone spoils all of the Amazing Spider-Man sequel

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15 January 2013

Somewhere, Someplace -- It has long been known that the 2012 superhero hit blockbuster black comedy film The Amazing Spider-Man was to spawn two sequels; which director Marc Webb confirmed will not be pornos.

However, the first of the two sequels, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, has already been spoiled and no reason has been given that would make one come to watch the film in theaters. The spoliers are all due to the actress playing Gwen Stacy, that whore Emma Stone. She is so lucky she is smoking and is totally bangable.

A casting for Mary Jane was leaked as Shaliene Woodley stole the part from all the gingers in the UK. As we can see, there will be competition for Peter Parker's love interest.

While Miss Stone was out whoring promoting her newest film project called simply "Gangsta Squad", she showed some signs of vicious and deadly ferocity about the new face to the Spider-Man reboot franchise. How was this done? By announcing that she needed to talk to the press about some new bitch who is trying to take her man and how she will do everything to claim what the young blood seeks.

“If that bitch wants to get it in with my man, she's gonnaaaa getttt it!”

~ Emma Stone on Shailene Woodley (who will play Mary Jane)

Back in October of 2012, it was revealed that Mary Jane will lead the events that result with the death of Gwen Stacy. But we can tell you this, if that bitch thinks she's gonna cause our blonde-haired godness to croak within the next film we aren't paying for the third film!

When Emma was told that her character, Gwen Stacy, must be brutally murdered with many, many, horrific gory marks on her body, she had one comment to say.

“Does she? Yes, she does! But don't let them know I told you! tsk, tsk.”

~ Emma Stone spoiling the movie for us all.

Emma Stone quickly changed the topic of discussion when she realized (quickly) that she just screwed herself over. She told the press about her first meeting with the new face of Miss Woodley and had this to say:

“We went out to dinner. She's so nice. She's cool. She's a constipated overrated out-of-style loser. Don't tell her I said that.”

~ Emma Stone on her first meeting with Shailene Woodley

So, does Emma Stone lie? Is this death going to happen? Will Gwen Stacy become dead just like her pathetic father at the end of the first movie? Well, we will all have to wait to find out. Next interview, will Gwen Stacy spoil more than just one film for us? Hopefully not.

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