UnNews:British PM applauds Egypt's move toward 'Big Society'

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29 January 2011

David Cameron gives a 'thumbs' up sign in support of the events in Egypt.'This is how The Big Society works' he says.

LONDON, United Kingdom -- British Prime Minister David Cameron has 'welcomed' the uprising in Egypt as an example of the The Big Society in action.

In a press conference arranged in the greenhouse at his official residence on Downing Street, Cameron said the recent events in Egypt were a good example of people taking control of their lives again.

Like Egypt, my country knows tyranny. It was under the control of the dictatorship of Tony Blair and the Scottish Stalin for 13 bitter years. We took to the streets in our Rolls Royces and overthrew their brutal regime in May 2010. I said then that what Britain needed was a 'Big Society,' people taking control of their own destinies and driving out the dead head of bureaucracy. Now I am glad to see that what I have been talking about is now taking place in cities like Cairo and Alexandria. It is not vigilantism but people power, the Big Society.

When I read of shopkeepers banding together in local groups to defend their neighbourhoods as the police have all run away, I say 'bravo, bravo!' That is exactly what I want to see happen here, though I will advise them that stringing up anyone the Daily Express describe as foreigners might be a tad too much. Still, they are on the right lines.

When some journalists said they couldn't see the comparison between the situation in Egypt and what Cameron wants to introduce in Britain, the Prime Minister dismissed them as 'lefty dinosaurs,' 'part of the problem,' or 'BBC Bolsheviks in love with the State and Siberian Gulags.'

Cameron continued.

I am a Conservative and like my spiritual mother, Margaret Thatcher (blessings on her Free Market soul), where Egypt leads, so will the rest of the world. So I urge the Egyptian people to look to their own resources and keep up the flag of individualism and doing it yourself. This is what I want here and it is going to happen..though perhaps not with the burning cars and buildings...

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