Raichu & Wakko Show Bible

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OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS FROM 2026 rerelease: "You think Raichu, Wakko and Scotch prepare their gags empty-gloved? Nope! Feast your eyeballs on this show bible, and laugh at loud at the many gags, jokes and hoaxes of your favorite trio!"

Beginning Info[edit | edit source]

WHO ARE THE WARNERS?[edit | edit source]

The Warners represent everything that a Warner Bros. cartoon is all about and what a Disney cartoon isn’t. They’re classic yet modern, innocent yet destructive, childish yet hilarious...you get the picture. They do kid things when they need to, adult things when they need to, and so much more.

The Warners are a mix of Bugs Bunny, the Marx brothers, Gogo Dodo, and Felix the Cat, all rolled into 3 different characters. They keep coming up with new adventures, childish or not. They also consist of something old & new. They are nostalgic, yet they are new creations. They are classic characters and yet they just released today. They are the essence of classic comedy, yet they put their own twist on the premise.

THE WARNERS’ GOAL IN LIFE[edit | edit source]

They just wanna have a good time, have fun, be kids. Minding their own business till a jerk comes in their path and does what all jerks do: bully ‘em. Then the Warners show that jerk the error of his ways.


They bug people who deserve to be bugged. They give people a reason to yell at them. They annoy people who deserve to be annoyed. They are the worst nightmare of anyone worthy enough of that nightmare. They are the cartoon world’s answer to loony justice, and they will not stop until the jerk surrenders or is completely either humiliated or defeated.

THE WARNERS’ ORIGIN[edit | edit source]

About 7 decades ago, in an animation studio in Burbank, a gifted animator drew the Warners for the very first time. However, the Warners were too much for the animator (or the studio for that matter) to handle, so after the Warners were caught, the head of security locked them in a climate-controlled, perma-sealed chamber of the studio’s water tower. Disavowing the existence of the Warners, the existence of them was only a corporate secret, the only two knowing is the head of security and the CEO. But somehow, the Warners tend to break loose from the tower, zoom from the backlot out to the gate, and run rampant in the city.


The Warners are not as they seem back then. In fact, the main Warners you’ll encounter are Raichu (self-proclaimed leader), Wakko (hungry mallet user), and the Warner Meowth, Scotch (The cute one). Despite this, they are still kid siblings, even though they’re teens.

The brothers have a friendly rivalry (like the player character and Hop in Pokemon Sword and Shield) and tend to compete in various competitions, all of them nonsensical (racing in elevators, for example). The winner and loser both win.

The cat seems to have the most reason, as he watches the brothers’ wacky races. He also seems to sleep a lot, even blocking traffic.

All 3 have a sense of care for one another, and will even stand up if one gets bullied. They are the Three Stooges of the cartoon world: even though they bully one another sometimes, they still care for each other like family.

A MESSAGE FROM YAKKO[edit | edit source]

Here, you will learn about the main 3 of the bunch, learn their traits, comedic gags, and even a bit of trivia. With this guide in hand, you can learn what to expect from my sibs. Trust me, you’ll need it.

Hope this helps.

- Yakko Warner

RAICHU[edit | edit source]

He is the leader of the Warners...okay, not really. He is mainly the one Wakko and Scotch follow, and because of that, Raichu is the ‘self-proclaimed leader of the Warner bunch’. His personality is a blend of Groucho Marx, Daffy Duck, Wario, Cuphead and Popeye. He tends to his sibs more than he tends to himself, and often has Scotch heal him as a result.

Raichu is a happy-go-lucky guy, with a devilish twinkle in his eye. The world is his root beer, and he takes a mighty swig. He also takes great care of picking the target for his siblings’ style of mayhem and destruction.

RAICHU ZAPPING[edit | edit source]

Raichu is an Electric Type Pokemon, so he releases electricity from his cheek pouches. Most of the time, they hit the jerk, but rarely, it hits himself and his sibs, resulting in charred Warners.


Raichu takes great care of his sibs, resulting in Raichu getting hurt the most, while Wakko and Scotch are scratchless. Due to this, after the battle, Scotch heals Raichu.

FAKES LIKINGS, MOCKS OTHERS[edit | edit source]

In certain situations, Raichu does a “listening routine” a la Chevy Chase, but only when the speaker is talking to him. When the speaker turns away, Raichu makes mocking faces & sometimes, not even listening. This amuses his siblings, but annoys the speaker.[1]

RAICHU’S CLAPPING[edit | edit source]

Raichu has the miraculous ability to make his siblings stop any destruction with just a mere clap: “They do everything I tell ‘em.


While apologizing to a foe, Raichu will say "I'm sowwy...” and attempt to bow, only to trip, roll into a ball and perform the famous Shoryuken (from Street Fighter) while shouting “SHORYUKEN!” then hop back to where he was and say “...Not!” in a sassy tone.

RAICHU AS DESTRUCTOR[edit | edit source]

Raichu's all time favorite gag is when the villain hurts him deeply (bleeding for example), he'll go full on big baby and cry, with the foe trying to calm him down, however, passersby will get angry at the foe and call him a brute for making the kid cry. This technique was used by Wakko, handed over to Raichu.

RAICHU AND RED BULL[edit | edit source]

Never, and I mean NEVER give Raichu any Red Bull. If he guzzles it down, even a drop, he will go full on Looney Tune and bounce all over the walls, causing heavy damage to any foe in the way, while shouting, "HOO! WOO-HOO!" repeatedly. Wakko and Scotch tend to back away when this happens.

RAICHU SAMPLE DIALOGUE[edit | edit source]

C’mon man, ya haven’t seen a mouse, a Warner and a cat before?

Great. Now you made him sad.

Alright. Now I’m angry.

One more cartoon and I’m outta here.


After an angry Wakko kicks a foe: “That’s just his way of showing affection.

Woah, dumber than advertised!

In cartoons, a mouse can get away with nearly anything.

Let’s vamoose before the film rots.

Let's make sam RAMEN!!!” (Raichu then proceeds to make a giant bowl of ramen noodles)

Imma take a nap. Wake me up when the credits roll.

Wakko, my brain hurts.

You’d be lonely if we went away.

WAKKO[edit | edit source]

Wakko is younger than Raichu, but he makes up for it in comedy. Wakko is no plot, just action. He’ll eat frozen food just frozen. He’s the one who puts the can of Spaghettios in the microwave, then puts the Spaghettios in the bowl. He is the Toon version of an atom bomb. Raichu knows this very well, and often tells Scotch to stand back when Wakko blows his stack. Wakko is Gogo Dodo plus Harpo Marx plus Dedede. He got bonked one too many times with a mallet. He’s the one who will make sure jerks rue the day they encounter the Warners. Even a skilled therapist can’t fix him. He’s broken beyond repair--mentally. While Raichu is elementally irrelevant, Wakko is physically irrelevant. He does everything in reverse. His only rule? No rules. He will eat anything and everything, regardless of its edibility.

WAKKO’S TEMPER[edit | edit source]

If you’re a bad guy and find Wakko’s playfulness annoying, pray to Skippy that you don’t see the other side. When Wakko gets steamed, you get scalded. Wakko has a fuming anger that rarely sees the light of day, but when it does, it becomes a tornado of destruction so much, Raichu backs away slowly, holding Scotch while saying to the foe, “You should have not said that.” After releasing his anger, Wakko falls safely to the now ruined ground and says “You hold that stuff in for too long, you get an ulcer.

WAKKO’S ANIMAL ROUTINES[edit | edit source]

He’s always pretending to be an animal. He barks like a dog, eats bananas like a monkey, even throwing barrels like Donkey Kong! He even attacks in that animal’s arsenal: claws, teeth, horns, you name it.


Wakko will use his childlike curiosity in dangerous ways, for example, if a UFO has a self-destruct button, he will press it ‘accidentally’ and go “Oops!”, or ruin a greedy billionaire’s stock all the way to plummeting. These are the few times Wakko is seen as a threat to foes.

WAKKO SAMPLE DIALOGUE[edit | edit source]


Awww, he fall down and go boom!

In cartoons, a fella can get away with just about anything.

Needs a bit more salt...

Wanna watch me pretend to throw up?

I don’t think he’s gonna leave us alone, Raichu.

Hey, look at this guy.

Who’s a good Scotchy-poo?

Let’s zoom on outta here!

If I wasn’t limited to being a second banana, I would cancel ya on Twitter!

This cartoon is getting pretty boring. Wanna head to Escargoon’s shoppe?

I’ll be playing Mario Maker 2 if you need me.

Don’t harass the Scotch like that!

I don’t like bad animation. Seems like a waste of ink.

This cartoon’s going to the Pidgey!

This turned to Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out very quickly.

No, Raichu! We are strong!

I dunno bout you, but I want this cartoon to iris out.

Which one, mallet or anvil?

Ooooooh, shiny button!

Uh oh! Buh-bye!

Boingy Boingy Boingy Boingy!

Now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings.

SCOTCH[edit | edit source]

Scotch for all practical reasons is a Warner. The fact that he is a Meowth doesn’t bother him one bit. He can do anything Raichu or Wakko do and still look cute and funny, and Scotch knows this very well. Scotch has a higher tolerance for jerks than Raichu or Wakko, and he tends to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even though he can not speak English, as he only says “Meowth Meowth Meowth”, Raichu tends to understand and translate Scotch’s dialogue. Scotch is everything that every Meowth should be: funny, heroic, violent and cute.

INTRODUCTION BIT[edit | edit source]

When Raichu and Wakko introduce themselves as the “Warner Brothers”, Scotch pipes in and says “Meowth Meowth!”, in which Raichu translates as “And the Warner Meowth!” Or when all three introduce themselves as the Warner Brothers and the jerk points to Scotch and says that he is a cat, Raichu yells “ANIMAL ABUSE!” and has the jerk arrested.

SCOTCH’S COIN PROP[edit | edit source]

He can remove it and morph it into anything needed: a boomerang, a grappling hook, even a propeller. The coin immediately grows back afterward.[2]


If the time is just right, or he is lazy, Scotch will play “the weak Meowth”. If a situation arises where, say, he doesn’t want to carry groceries, he will act like he’s carrying weights, whining about how heavy they are until the point where his arms (like a toy) pop off. He will also play dumb, where he rubs his head as if he has a headache, then he will wink to the camera.

SCOTCH WILD TAKE[edit | edit source]

Scotch can do a wild take, where his tail and whiskers pop off his body and run around, causing chaos. When this happens, Raichu & Wakko take this as a competition, leaving the tailless Scotch unamused.

SCOTCH’S RETALIATION[edit | edit source]

The brothers try to protect Scotch from a baddie, but when Scotch fights back, it’s the brothers who try to protect the baddie from Scotch’s wrath. And when Scotch does get the baddie, it will be very very painful.


ESCARGOON, THE SHOPKEEPER[edit | edit source]

The snail from Kirby: Right Back at Ya makes a triumphant return, and his role is quite different from his previous TV outing. Here, he’s a simple shopkeep trying to make it big. The Warners are his most frequent customers, and he likes it very well.

RALPH, THE SECURITY GUARD[edit | edit source]

The guardman makes a return as well, resuming his role as the guard whose job is to capture the Warners and return them to the tower--if it's past curfew. When he’s not chasing them, Ralph is peaceful and calm.

PINKY & THE BRAIN[edit | edit source]

The two lab mice who try to take over the world are here, but in addition, they try to find their missing cheese. Each segment, they find their cheese, only for a new villain to take it.

PICHU & PALS[edit | edit source]

Pichu is Raichu’s younger brother and hosts his own segment with his Smash Bros pals. Each time Pichu tries to have a relaxing day, some villain (different from the Raichu, Wakko and Scotch segments) ruins it by attacking. Thankfully the villain is defeated. But then something else happens but the segment is so short that Mewtwo just destroys it.

AN ASSORTMENT OF TOONS[edit | edit source]

Many familiar faces join the trio, such as Roger Rabbit, Eric Cartman, Mario & Luigi and more. Some rare occasions have the show even drawn in said art style.

We just hope that Satoshi joins this bandwagon of cartoon cameos soon...

THE WARNERS AS HOSTS/GUIDES[edit | edit source]

How do these looneys introduce other cartoon segments?

In the wraparounds, Raichu, Wakko and Scotch pass by or meet the stars in the next cartoon. Say, Escargoon opening his shop, Roger Rabbit in his burrow, Pichu on a stump playing the banjo, etc. The trio then barge in or look as Escargoon (or whoever it is) performs a quick gag. Raichu, Wakko and Scotch react favorably to the gag -- it’s a tradition passed down from decades.


We treat each episode as its own special since each show has its own theme. Here is a list of themes for the possible sixty-four episodes.

RAICHU & WAKKO AT HOME - Their lives at home.

RAICHU & WAKKO IN LOVE - Their affairs from the heart.

RAICHU & WAKKO AT THE CINEMA - Going to the theater, along with some spoofs.

RAICHU & WAKKO IN THE CITY - Their lives in the big city.

RAICHU & WAKKO AT WAR - Domestic squabbles and international hijinx.

RAICHU & WAKKO CLASSICS - The all-time classics--with a twist.

RAICHU & WAKKO IN THE STONE AGE - View the Warners from the land that time forgot.

RAICHU & WAKKO OUT WEST - With gags not seen in the John Wayne films.

RAICHU & WAKKO AND THE L.A.P.D. - Darryl Gates gets booted out the door again.

RAICHU & WAKKO .VS. THE MONSTERS - Horror vs Comedy. The true battle.

RAICHU & WAKKO IN THE FUTURE - Now we see the cast in the year 3023.

RAICHU & WAKKO AND THE FAMILY - Sibling rivalries.

RAICHU & WAKKO MYSTERIES - With jokes not seen in Mike Tyson Mysteries.

RAICHU & WAKKO IN THE WORLD OF ART - The cast looks at the world of art and kinda enjoy it.

RAICHU & WAKKO AND FRIENDS - Their daily activities with friends.

RAICHU & WAKKO REANIMATED - Giving small artists a chance to make it big.

A RAICHU & WAKKO CHRISTMAS - Holiday hilarity with the cast.

RAICHU & WAKKO’S CLASSIC YEARS - Discovering the films that made it all.

RAICHU & WAKKO REWIND - Looking back at the gang’s early years.

RAICHU & WAKKO: HIGH SCHOOL - The high school years of our cast.

SHOW FORMAT[edit | edit source]

BLACKOUT GAG: TEASER[edit | edit source]

A quick gag of Raichu, Wakko and Scotch which relates to the theme of the day.

MAIN TITLE[edit | edit source]

In the show’s main title, we start off at the Warner Bros Studio in Burbank where--The Warners have broken out of the tower! They’re on the loose again as alarms sound & studio personnel start running for their lives. The guard gives chase to them as the Warners slide under him and the gate, resulting in them bouncing across the street & into the places of many other characters.

ACTS ONE, TWO, AND THREE[edit | edit source]

A title card announces the day’s theme, followed by Raichu, Wakko and Scotch in the wraparound. As “guides/hosts”, the trio offer up the day’s theme, or take us to a new place each day--the beach, downtown, the grocery store, the circus, the lab, the school, South Park, the cinema--where the location matches the theme.

The trio’s wraparounds provide segues to cartoon shorts starring other characters (The Pichu & Pals segment for instance). Often, one of the three shorts will feature Raichu, Wakko and Scotch.

END TITLE[edit | edit source]

The end title shows 3 possible endings: The first being that the trio are captured by Ralph and being carted back to the studio’s water tower, the second is that they evade their captor, go bouncing like springs into the horizon, laughing, as all Toons do, and the third one is the same as the first, only that they run back to the tower using some wacky thing (an escalator, the Krusty Krab sign, the Mario series’ Klepto, etc.). Ralph tries to follow them, only to result in him getting comically hurt, leaving the trio to slam the tower door.

END GAG[edit | edit source]

After the credits, the tower door opens to reveal Raichu, Wakko & Scotch (or one of the other characters), they perform a quick gag or say a quip, and then the tower door closes.



The targets of Raichu, Wakko and Scotch’s assaults are people who are: rude, pompous, selfish, greedy, boastful, snide and bossy. The trio take the offensive against the offensive.

While their main stock-in-trade is wreaking havoc, they are not without their redeeming social value. In their escapades, the trio will aim their mayhem against bigots, greedy billionaires, cruel bosses, litterbugs, corrupt politicians, unsportsmanlike athletes, greedy land developers, anybody associated with Sonic ‘06[3], bullies, prima donnas and anybody who creates hassles for people in the world.


Raichu, Wakko and Scotch are ultimately redeeming characters who see something wrong, and use their unique brand of comedy to right it.

THE WARNERS ARE WINNERS[edit | edit source]

They may lose an occasional battle, but they always win the war in the end. They are ultimately winners.


Raichu, Wakko and Scotch treat each other like family. They’re inseparable, but each has the ability to get on the others’ nerves.

HOW OLD ARE THEY?[edit | edit source]

They’re teens, but their age is not specified. Just like in Tiny Toon Adventures, the trio can do kid things when they need to, and adult things when they need to. When you establish the hierarchy of a mouse who’s the older brother, a younger Warner brother, and a cat who is a sibling, it doesn’t really matter what their age is. The youngest will always be treated like the youngest, and so on.[4]


They are a lot like kids who lived a life full of “Twinkies”, “Sour Patch Kids” and “A&W Root Beer”. They are always on the move, always bouncing off the walls, always looking for something new to do.

THE WORLD THEY LIVE IN[edit | edit source]

There is no distinction between us humans and Toons as far as reality goes. In this reality, Toons are living beings on Earth just like us humans are. It is not strange to see a purple snail selling items in a shoppe or a rabbit wearing overalls. That is the reality.

THEY ARE KIDS OF THE NINETIES[edit | edit source]

Raichu, Wakko and Scotch’s interests and concerns are contemporary. Even in an adventure set back in 1939, the trio would be like kids in the 1990s.

THE LOCATION OF THEIR COMEDY[edit | edit source]

The setting is always a location where civilized behavior is not only expected, but required. It’s any place where a hyperactive mouse, Warner and Meowth would be completely inappropriate, which is just about anywhere.

THE TRIO MOVE IN UNISON A LOT[edit | edit source]

They often move in unison, like they are in each other’s shadows. And they bob up and down to the music beat, even when staying still (“Twinkies”, “Sour Patch Kids” and “A&W Root Beer”). They also scramble into scenes and do recoil bounces off each other.

THE VILLAIN IS ALWAYS DUPED[edit | edit source]

The point is, of course, Raichu, Wakko and Scotch’s villains always fall for the gags. They are always the stooges. They ALWAYS succumb to the idiosyncratic logic of the trio.


In terms of parents, they have no parents.[5] Or at least, no one will admit to being their parent.

THEIR FAVORITE FOODS[edit | edit source]

Raichu prefers ramen noodles, Wakko favors fast food nuggets and fries and Scotch prefers salmon. But all 3 have a weakness to one food: cheese pizza. They can’t resist the cheese.

THEIR SECOND FAVORITE FOOD[edit | edit source]

Holiday ham.


They can appear out of anywhere at any time. They can appear in costume, they can be on TV, they can even pop out of shoes. All needed props are instantly available. But none of this Toony freedom is without a point or without direction. It is all part of the means to an end, which is razzing somebody who deserves it. It can be weird, but not just for the sake of being weird (That gets boring fast).

THEY ARE CLEVERLY SMART[edit | edit source]

They know everything they need to know. Not necessarily everything about human experience and emotion, but book knowledge - historical events, three syllable words, etc.


Their primary goal is to make mockeries of foes that often deserve to be mocked. This is their magnum opus, and they use it very well.

THEY LIKE PAIN[edit | edit source]

Ever wonder why the trio don’t run? Simple: they like pain. They absolutely desire getting hurt. The more pain equals more credibility when it comes to acting like the foe hurting them on purpose with intent. Thisaway, people come to the trio’s side, calling the foe a bully.


“This is no place for kids.”

~ a typical foe

“You should be home in bed.”

~ a typical foe

“Children should be seen and not heard.”

~ a typical foe

“You kids need to learn some manners.”

~ a typical foe

“Behave yourselves.”

~ a typical foe

GAGS AND ROUTINES[edit | edit source]

ENTRANCE BITS[edit | edit source]

Raichu, Wakko and Scotch enter scenes in unique and funny ways. The more unusual and surprising, the better. Sometimes they come bouncing like springs over the horizon. Or they fall out of the sky (a parachute then opens after they fall to the ground). They might pop out of a window, a tree stump, even something as small as a coconut. Raichu, Wakko and Scotch enter in a unique way each and every cartoon.


The trio love to dance, and often enter scenes mid-dance. Also, right in the middle of a sequence, Raichu (or Wakko) will shout “DANCE BREAK!” and start dancing. Among the dances they mastered (all with culturally appropriate garb) are: The Russian Cossack dance (“EY!”); The Egyptian snake charmer dance (Scotch’s tail acts like a snake due to this); the hula; the minuet; tap dancing; the Mexican hat dance; clog dancing, etc. They also tend to wear lederhosen and yodel to polka music. The foe gets swept up into the dance and gets clobbered.

EXIT BITS[edit | edit source]

As unique are their entrances, their exits also share that uniqueness. For example, one brother makes a motion that he’s going to exit to the right, quickly moves left, and actually exits to the right. In another exit, the brothers will launch Scotch, using their arms as a slingshot, then follow with a jump.

POKÉ BALL BIT[edit | edit source]

Raichu will toss a Poké Ball at the foe to try to catch him. If it succeeds, Raichu puts the foe in a PC until he decides to let him out. If it fails, he’ll clobber the foe with a Snorlax.

THE TRIO’S FIGHT CLOUD[edit | edit source]

Whenever Raichu, Wakko and Scotch get into a fight, they go spinning into a fight cloud, which occasionally screeches to a stop so that we can see the trio in strange poses, then the fight cloud resumes. Also, a brother can step out of the cloud and address the audience, claiming to loathe violence. In fact, they all step out of the cloud, and the cloud continues fighting on its lonesome.

“FIGHT CLOUD UNCENSORED”[edit | edit source]

After a fight cloud scene, one of the brothers will say “Now let’s give the kiddies the uncensored version.”, Then show the fight itself, no cloud included.


Raichu (or Wakko) may pull a game show host-esque attitude, pull Scotch’s tail like a lever, and one of many things happen to the foe, none of them good (an anvil drops on him, he receives crippling debt, etc.).

HOW OLD ARE YOU?[edit | edit source]

They never get a straight answer to this. “Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway” is one response.

WARNERS’ COURT[edit | edit source]

They hold literal kangaroo courts (A kangaroo with a joey as a judge, multiple juror kangaroos kicking the foe, etc.) and sentence the foe to some looney punishment, i.e., litterbugs must eat whatever they littered, cruel bosses must give their employees a 50% raise, greedy billionaires must donate all their assets to charity, etc.

MONKEYS ALWAYS LOOK[edit | edit source]

They tell a foe to “Look!” in some direction. The foe does so, and the trio mock the poor schmoe and chant: “Monkeys always loo-ook! Monkeys always loo-ook!” and then toss the foe in a monkey exhibit at a zoo.[6]

ANVIL DROP[edit | edit source]

When somebody tells the trio not to drop an anvil, safe or Snorlax on them, they instead drop that somebody on the anvil, safe or Snorlax.

THEY PLAY DEAD...[edit | edit source]

...to fill their foe with grief and remorse. Then they wake up and kick the guy all over.

REWIND![edit | edit source]

Whenever something bad happens to the trio, like death for instance, Raichu will yell “REWIND!”, pull a remote control[7] and rewind the episode. Then they do the gag all over, but the foe gets the bad thing instead of the trio.


Another one of the trio’s tricks is to become extremely bored like little children, e.g., waiting in line at the bank. When Raichu, Wakko and Scotch get bored, they act extremely lethargic, their bodies go rubbery, they slump to the floor and roll around in slow-motion agony. When the foe picks them up and tries to remove them from the premises, their bodies act exactly like mercury -- extremely hard to get a grip on.

PUPPY DOG EYES[edit | edit source]

When they are nearing their penultimate death, Raichu, Wakko and Scotch glare at the foe with pleading puppy dog eyes. This makes the foe burst into tears, crying. Then the Warners beat the schmoe up; “Crybaby.

DIE WARNER JODEL[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, when entering, Raichu will yodel an annoying yodel[8] while his siblings are wreaking havoc. The louder the yodel, the more dangerous they are. Sometimes all three join in on the yodel, driving the foe nuts. This cracks them up.

POP TART PHONES[edit | edit source]

They call each other on Pop Tarts to baffle the foe. When the foe takes one of their ‘phones’ to disprove their claims, they get clobbered with a mallet.

CUT!” GAG[edit | edit source]

After a long chase, Raichu will yell “CUT!” and Wakko and Scotch cut the foe in half. When he says “Take 5”, they slice the foe into fifths.


Scotch can be used as a makeshift bass, Wakko can be used as makeshift bongos, while Raichu will use his tail as a makeshift piano (Believe it or not, they sound really good).

THE TRIO ON ANOTHER SHOW[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, the trio may end up in another show’s world. When this happens, they switch the channel (but not before being covered in said show’s props, i.e, Simpsons donuts).

ANNOYING LITTLE KIDS[edit | edit source]

When the foe calls the Warners “annoying little kids”, Raichu and Wakko bring the entire cast of Rugrats and say “No. These are annoying little kids.” The cast then act annoying, driving the foe bonkers. They then toss the schmoe in Reptar’s path, crushing him flat.

QUICK SPONSOR GAG[edit | edit source]

The trio will sponsor a fake product during one of their segments. This is meant to be funny, which it is.

FOE IGNORAMUS[edit | edit source]

They often call foes with easily forgettable nicknames “Foe Ignoramus[9]. This often cracks the trio up, but angers the foe.

THE FLYING WARNER BROS.[edit | edit source]

To baffle and scare their enemies, they will fly (or hover is the correct way to put it) near them like fighter planes and give chase, dropping “spit bombs” on them.

DOODLING ON THE FOE[edit | edit source]

They grab markers and paintbrushes and doodle on the foe like he is an easel. The foe then gets angry at them, which results in the trio washing the foe--with pressure washers.

WASHING MACHINE GAG[edit | edit source]

After a particularly dirty chase, the trio will put themselves in a washing machine and wash themselves. The shininess of the clean trio blinds the foe, making the perfect chance for counter attacking or escaping.

1-800” GAG[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, when, say, they are doing calculations for money needed, Raichu will say, “OK, call 1-800--” when he meant to say “OK, that’s $1.80,”. This often makes the trio laugh out loud, disrupting others and ruining the silence.

BAD PICTURES[edit | edit source]

During photo shoots (say for criminal ID), the trio often act up and give horrible photo results, making the photographer pull every trick in his book to have the kids stay still, only for it to fail miserably.


Their fur and clothing is very useful for bringing banned items inside a certain place (say, toys in a jailhouse). When the owner snatches the kids’ items, they bring replacements, making the owner furious.

MOCKATHON[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, in a battle with a really angered foe, the trio often mock said foe repeatedly, making the foe livid with hatred. This is the main way that the trio gain new enemies.

THIS IS LOW BUDGET” JOKE[edit | edit source]

When an adversary tells the trio that their style is outdated and low budget, Wakko will say “No, this is low budget”, and with a snap of his fingers, everything becomes Microsoft Paint quality and crappy MIDI music.[10] When the foe goes nuts due to this, Wakko will revert everything back to its original style.


One of many things Raichu, Wakko and Scotch love to do is bring corny pop culture references to their comedy. Raichu will then say after said reference: “If you have seen this before, Consider yourself lucky.”


Raichu will often type on a typewriter that’s both invisible and non-existent. However, a piece of paper, preferably a news article, spits out the typewriter, often a hilarious insult to the foe. However, only the trio can see what’s written on the paper.

WARNER NATURE DOC JOKE[edit | edit source]

During a pretty boring scene, Yakko (donning a British accent) will record a faux-pas nature documentary on the Warner species. “A very rare specimen, indeed.

WWE RUMBLE JOKE[edit | edit source]

During intense battles against strong enemies, Raichu and Wakko will yell "LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!”, causing the entire ground to literally rumble.

HEY LOOK, A PORTAL GUN[edit | edit source]

When cornered, Raichu will find Rick Sanchez’s portal gun. Wakko will say “This is our portal outta here!” as Raichu opens a portal out. When the trio enter, the foe also tries to enter, only in him getting zapped.

WARNER SEASON, FOE SEASON[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, One of the brothers will find a “WARNER SEASON” sign and rip it off to reveal a “FOE SEASON” sign. Then the foe rips that sign up, and the process repeats, a la a Bugs Bunny Cartoon. The foe gets shot afterward.

AT CARTOON’S END[edit | edit source]

Once they have finished watching the foe’s life go to shambles, they bounce into the horizon like springs, laughing while saying “Boingy Boingy Boingy Boingy!

VILLAIN PAGE[edit | edit source]

Like all cartoon characters with good intentions, Raichu, Wakko and Scotch have a ton of villains, all of which want to eradicate their presence from the world. While each villain has their own plans and agenda, they all have one glaring flaw: they always fall for the gags. Here is a list of a few of these baddies.

RAT, WACK AND CATCH[edit | edit source]

They’re bootlegs of the main trio that excel in looks and fail in personality. Rat is more serious than the whimsical Raichu, Wack is more straightforward than the dimwitted Wakko, and Catch can speak English unlike Scotch, however, both Catch and Scotch are lazy. Catch is lazier.

KINGAMBIT[edit | edit source]

The evolved form of Bisharp, usually in the Pichu & Pals segments, but still hates the trio. All he wants to do is slice those three up. He still can’t do that, even when evolved. How embarrassing.

TEAM ROCKET’S MEOWTH[edit | edit source]

The talking cat from Team Rocket is a prime example of a ‘Chip Whistler-esque’ villain, aka a villain that will stop at nothing till every single member of the Warner family is wiped off the face of the earth. He fails to do that, no matter what he tries.

ROBOT CREATOR[edit | edit source]

Somewhat of a super-super villain. Has the powers of a mighty god, yet always succumbs to the quirkiness of Raichu, Wakko and Scotch. Even after giving them a pummeling, he still can’t save himself from that falling Snorlax.

A BUNCH OF OTHER GUYS[edit | edit source]

There are also a bunch of others but this bible is so short that we can’t display them all.


They tried. However, each attempt, Raichu, Wakko and Scotch simply reappear. Why this happens is because the trio just can’t die. No, they are not using an infinite lives cheat. No, they’re not mighty gods (Skippy has no passes left). It’s because they’re the show’s literal life support. If they die, the show dies.

THE TRIO JUST CAN’T CATCH A BREAK[edit | edit source]

Raichu, Wakko and Scotch just can’t seem to catch a little R&R. Each time they do, one of their villains attacks them, causing them to fight back. Very little do episodes have the trio take a rest.


The villains seem to have their comeuppance (for example, one gets arrested by Bonkers for an assault charge), which has the trio make a quick escape.


The formula for Raichu, Wakko and Scotch cartoons have 2 distinct types: Formula A & Formula B.

FORMULA A: WARNERS FIGHT FOE[edit | edit source]

We start with the Warners, having a relaxing day, either near or far from their tower home, doing kid things. Then we cut to the villain, causing trouble until he sees the Warners. The foe attacks the trio, causing them to turn the tables on him using their brand of comedy. Then we see the villain get his just desserts.


Very slight revision of Formula A - We see the foe, fed up with Raichu, Wakko and Scotch’s idiocy, and the foe comes up with a plan to kill them. The foe gets to work on said plan, and it looks like it might work. However at the very last second, things go horribly awry and the foe turns into the schmoe as the plan (literally) blows up in his face.

ENDING INFO[edit | edit source]

MAYHEM WITH LOGIC[edit | edit source]

In Raichu, Wakko and Scotch’s cartoons, three hyperactive cartoon characters battle with a villain. Each sibling has his own unique logic, lore and agenda, and the writer needs to keep an eye on a certain sibling to make them as accurate as possible. While Raichu, Wakko and Scotch all work in harmony, each has their own bits of business to use against the villain. Each act of mayhem must have logic to it, so one thing can lead into the next in a logical manner.

GET INTO THEIR HEADS[edit | edit source]

If their cartoons are to be successful, it is required that the writer needs to know the inner workings of Raichu, Wakko and Scotch. The stories should have a familiar quality. The situations are universal and taken from stories that we all know.

What makes the story fresh is what you do to make Raichu, Wakko and Scotch unique and funny.

ENDING MESSAGE FROM YAKKO[edit | edit source]

Well, there you have it. You know everything you need to know about Raichu, Wakko and Scotch. From the gags, the jokes, the hoaxes, to their unique quirks. I’ll see that you may as well be the next stooge for my brothers’ gags, heck, you might’ve even got duped!

But all that’s in the past. By writing this message, you have successfully graduated from this “show bible”, which you may officially now call a “survival guide”.

Roll tide, Sayonara, May the force be with you and all that other corny pop culture stuff.

- Yakko Warner

P.S.: I left you a present in the barrel.

CHARACTERS[edit | edit source]

Bold indicates group or segment names

The Warners[edit | edit source]




Ralph, the Security Guard


Pinky & The Brain

Roger Rabbit & Ling-Ling

Pichu & Pals[edit | edit source]






South Bois[edit | edit source]

Eric Cartman

Kenny McCormick

Kyle Broflovski

Stan Marsh

Fritz’s Crew[edit | edit source]

Fritz Huhnmorder

Robot Chicken

Freddy’s Merry Band[edit | edit source]

Freddy Fazbear


Foxy the Pirate Fox

Golden Freddy

...and many more!

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Raichu learned this trick from Ken. He would've learned it from Ryu, but he couldn't do it well, so Ken had to intervene.
  2. Note that Scotch does feel a little pain from plucking it, but its painless.
  3. the joke: sonic 06 was a bad game, filled with glitches, loading times of 30 seconds (the average time is 5 seconds), and a rushed development schedule
  4. According to "The Toon, Toon and Nothing But the Toon: The Raichu & Wakko 45th Anniversary Book", Raichu is 17, Wakko is 15 and Scotch is 25 in Meowth years.
  5. This phrase is a reference to what Gru said in Despicable Me: "In terms of money, we have no money."
  6. It can also be a primate exhibit at a museum.
  7. The remote varies on the episode
  8. Rumors say that Yakko and Dot, along with Wakko were able to do the yodel, and when Raichu and Scotch took the formers' place, they retired the yodel and taught the latter how to do it.
  9. They can also call the foe "Lardy McLardLard", "Goofy Doof", "Stinky McCheeseFace", and so much more
  10. The MS Paint quality is so poor that the show doesn't even bother animating itself anymore, and the MIDIs just get worse and worse.