HowTo:Annoy your Teacher

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In 1977, after The War, containment centers funded by The Government were set up all over the world. Disguised as educational containment centers, children were thrown in by the hundreds to each individual center. Schools, as they are called, continue to plague the planet to this day. The ranking system goes as follows from lowest to highest: You, Dirt, Garbage, thrown away food, gum under tables, amoebas, your lunch lady, school pens (temps), your teacher, yard guards (yard duties, lard duties, all the same thing), your principal, and finally, The Receptionist. Teachers will beat you down constantly and abuse their power and it is your job to fight back against the opressors.

Teachers and You[edit | edit source]

Now as you may or may not know, teachers are evil. They are Bastards. They use propaganda to brainwash you into thinking they have low paying jobs and hate their job. None of it is true, never trust these creatures, as they will judge you, torment you, and betray you in a flash. For those of you who are new to this information, either change your ways at this moment, or go drink a few shots of milk.

“You're doing a good job.”

~ Mz.Crusik upon seeing me research this article

For Beginners[edit | edit source]

For newbies, or converts, your first step must be to figure out your teacher. You must decide what type of teacher she is, what she likes, and her reactions to everything. I say everything, because, it is a known fact that teachers will dislike anything you do. Anything at all. It enrages them when you do your work because it gives you a safe card for getting yelled at, and they hate it even more when you do your work well because they won't be able to criticize it. You're better off just not doing anything at all, because that gives you more time for more important activities and you finally might be able to relax, confident that some deranged, senile old woman isn't deciding on future tactics for destroying your ambitions and happiness.

I Want To Annoy My Teacher!![edit | edit source]

SO, you think you're ready, eh? Here are several methods and a few tips. Note: This is not a full guide, these are just tips to kick off people just discovering that their life has been a lie and the work and steadfast determination they have put out for years has been based on lies and trashed by adults with no souls.

  • Number 1: Speak gibberish or other languages when called on. In fact, just try to talk a lot in general. Speaking in a way they can't understand would do one of a few things; either their head would asplode, they'd scream their head off at you for being a distraction, or they'd pretend that they never called on you and instead call on one of the strategically placed sheep in the class.
  • Number B: Whenever the need arises, always forget proper of syntax grammar when using teacher while of talking teacher too. Will day up grammar fuck nazis any.
  • Numero tres: Steal the teacher;s Prisoner(Student) list or Torture Slaves list (whichever term tickles your pickle more) and write down any of the following names instead of those used by your fellow classmate. Bob Geldof, Amanda Huginkiss, I.C. Wiener, Hugh Jazz, Drew Peacock,<insert name here> great options. Do this on the first day of school before he/she/dalek gets to your class.
  • Number, that one that comes before five, but sometime after 3, but not three : Whenever called on, always forget what you were going to say. And for others, repeat something someone else said who was obviously wrong, as much as possible (to avoid detection, we here at Uncyclopedia recommend using a variation of said wrong statement, as your teacher is probably so hopped up on kittens, they won't see subtle change). And make a big deal out of answering and getting picked on.
  • Number 1+1+1+1+1: Spell everything wrong. It may ruin your grades, end furthermore devoted believers uuho[m] I know it wowun't duo mooch werk, butt ween u doo(dy), giv tem wryst caramps ieen halfing tu chorrect evey meeesteake yu "accidentally make". Conjunction reccomend in use bad with syntax maximum for brainfuck.
  • Number Six: For one day every week, act nearly fatally offended by every word it speaks. Oh, and constantly accuse the teacher of racism. This method works best on Black History Month.
  • Number boeing 777: Be intolerably immature during conferences or private discussions. HAAHAHHAHAHA,YOU SAID PRIVATE!!!@2111213eleven
  • Number Ate: Pretend you're gay for them for one day every week. If they say you're gay, tell them "I'm just different Honeybunkins". (Note: ONLY works if they are the same sex as you; for maximum damage, make sure they are conservative.)
  • Number 9 (holy shit, its not a pun!): Sidetrack the class into a discussion about politics or something of the sort during history or science, or any subject for that matter. Make sure the discussions or arguments last for at least 5 minutes.
  • Number 7en For one day each week, on every math assignment you do, write out all your answers and problems in long, confusing, and stupid words. WARNING: Only works with teachers that actually look at the assingment
  • Number leet: For one day each week, write |1K3 7|-|1$.|= |_||<||\|9 R374rd
  • Number e-lev-hen: Question EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERY, FUCKING, THING, no matter how trivial they say, be relentless, like vandals.
  • number The vel V: Tap as loud as possible during classwork or a test. (This could annoy your classmates too so do it sparingly.)
  • Number 13 ohmygodohmygod BAD LUCK: Every answer is "Ehh I dont know." Be polite not sarcastic.
  • 'Number 14': Make the loudest noise/ear rape you can and hope for the best. (Slamming your head on the desk works very well and doesn't hurt if you do it right) Hopefully their ears will bleed.
  • Number XV: Bring a cardboard curtout of Justin Bieber to their class and pretend it's you. Make sure to sing a few of his songs as well when they're explaining something to make it more realistic.

See Also[edit | edit source]