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Forums: Index > BHOP > "liberals"
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4111 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
But seriously, what is up with that guy? Shabidoo, I mean. He smells like dookey. And not the classy kind, either, with the red stripes and the black dots and oh my god I've got colitis.

am i right people

who's with me --Roman Dog Bird (talk) 02:38, 17 October 2013 (UTC)

yeah, those liberals and their shutdown. Josuketho.pngThe Hamon Master WeinribJo Joestar of EarthJosuketho.png 15:17, 17 October 2013 (UTC)
They really bother me, with their tiny guitars, grass skirts and coconut bras. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 14:29, 19 October 2013 (UTC)
And that Mouseoperandi guy. I mean. Are you with me? --ShabiDOO 02:52, 21 October 2013 (UTC)
And those hipsters, with their Pokemon and their sushi and their excessive love for Japanese culture. And those weeaboos, with their thick rimmed glasses, and their tight pants, and their indie bands that "nobody knows". Josuketho.pngThe Hamon Master WeinribJo Joestar of EarthJosuketho.png 16:51, 21 October 2013 (UTC)