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The Un-Existinator (Moccan: 0И'_cⱇc=ⵎñ) is the most powerful weapon in the entire universe. It does not simply kill you, it erases you from the loop of space-time. Meaning, you would have never existed. Only the wielder of the weapon remembers the old universe where the person shot by it existed.

History[edit | edit source]

An alien, named #=0h2fh♛2 (he isn't important enough to get his own page at the moment), gave a knock-off hitler from Earth the Un-Existinator, in return for a powerful energy source called God Particles. These particles are so powerful, they could reset an entire universe a million times before they run out of energy. However, little did knock-off hitler know, it was actually a genderbender-iator that he was given. HE WAS SCAMMED!

The real Un-Existinator was hidden on a volcanic planet far far away, in a galaxy a long, long time ago. The alien criminal ʔK'âʞДe stole the Un-existinator, replacing it for a false replica, Indiana Jones-style, without anybody noticing. All while millions of armies of aliens fought over it in the solar system around it. ʔK'âʞДe made his way to out to a planet named Jupiter, in out own solar system, using a piece of low-tech technology called a wormhole-gun.

ʔK'âʞДe escaped Jupiter with the Un-existinator, and landed on Earth, near the Moccasinian palace, where Luna sent her entire army to him, small parts at a time, only for them to become erased from the time-line.

More will be added as it is descovered.