Forum:Screw This: My First Notes

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Screw This: My First Notes
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5614 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Well, I saw what you guys did to the place while I was away, and I have to say that UNCYCLOPEDIA IS A SHITHOLE! Thank you for not changing anything! I have a few people to thank/flip off:

  • Spang changed my userpage to say I spent my ban in India (which was incorrect), but he DID start a forum in my honor. yayayayayayayayay
  • Hyperbole asked if my ban was real, and was generally worried about my absence. For that, he gets a special Cajek Cake! yayayayayayayayay
  • Modusoperandi called me a nerd twice in my absence! I TOLD YOU I'M NOT A NERD, THAT'S WHY I VANDALIZED THAT ONE PLACE!!! banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanban
  • SysRq started another forum in my honor, but then wrote an article so awesome I didn't even get a chance to vote "for" on it! HOW DARE YOU?? banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanban
  • DJ Irreverent, Qua, YesTimeToEdit, and TheLedBalloon for "helping" with the latest Unsignpost! Yeah, "helping" is in quotes. banbanbababnabanbabnabn
  • If I didn't mention you, it's because your contribution to my ban was too upsetting. banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanban


hurry, quick



  Le Cejak <1:50, 08 Jun 2008>

Yet another reason to come back to Uncyclopedia