- To be confused with Wang.

The wug is a cute-looking mystical creature that lives in kindergartners's tests to attract the children. It was named and first portraited by Jean Berko Gleason. It resembles a bird without wings. It's usually light blue or white, although other colors are theoretically possible. Many biologists believe that the wug is a mammal, but the lack of sufficient data makes accurate classification difficult. Gleason, who named the species, admitted that she classified the wug into Mammalia only because it doesn't fall into any other class of animals.
Behavior[edit | edit source]
Scientists are unsure about how wugs behave in the wild, because none have been found in its natural habitat, tropical rainforests. However, it is generally believed that the wug eats a lot because of its plumpness.
Wugs often play interactively with beevs, mups, toaps, and zets. The zet is a toy made up of one stick and three rotatable metal or plastic balls. Researchers have shown that a nap improves the wug's memory about beevs, mups, toaps and zets.
Applications[edit | edit source]
The main use of wugs in the human society is to make quizzes and tests look appealing to children. In one test, the children are asked to complete simple sentences, such as "There was one wug. Another wug came. Now there are two ______." Most children gave the correct answer, wugs. This test is known as the Wug Test. The longer version of the Wug Test also contains questions including asking a child for an explanation of common compound words such as carpet, and appending suffixes to different words. Examples of the latter include: "If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?"
Sometimes wug is used as a random single-syllable word to teach children phony phonics, along with others like zot, rill and kev.
Occasionally, wugs do serve other purposes as well. Sometimes it is caused by a typo when one intends to type "wig" into a computer. Other times, users of Adobe Potatochop accidentally makes a wug when what they really want to do is to process the background in a bird's photo. In these situations, the wugs are vulnerable in that Backspace or Undo could kill them easily.
Related creatures[edit | edit source]
The niz is an animal with red or pink fur and often accompanies the wug when testing children. The glox is green and has three tusks and also appears in children's tests. Most children form the plural of niz correctly. However, as the test proceeds and the children are asked about the plural of glox, disagreement arises. There are two common answers: gloxen and gloxes. Those who say gloxen argue that a glox is similar to an ox, whereas people who answer gloxes believe that the glox is more like the fox. As of 2020, neither the researchers nor the children have reached a consensus.
The plural of a similar animal, T-rex, is also disputed. Both T-rexes and T-rices can be logically explained, the explanation to the latter being "the plural form of vertex is vertices." It is said that those who support the latter also use the word "kleenices" in their everyday speech.