User:~M!ke~/4th Dimension

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4th Dimension

Contents[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

“ Yes Quite! I was involved in my maths class, especially as our teacher was a man

~ Oscar Wilde on 4th dimension

“ What?!”

~ chav on 4th dimension

4th Dimension is just another way of confusing small children in the school subject Maths. Just like this common key stage 1 mathematics problem

1) Jane is at the height of an arbitrary constant . Jane is shorter than Willsy but taller than Lord Havilland. Lord Havilland is taller than Amunra at a constant ratio of Amunra is shorter than Willsy except when standing on a footstool approximately the height of Lord Havilland. If Willsy approaches the speed of light while travelling at an equidistance of 34 nautical miles from Lord Havilland, how tall is Jane if accounting for Red Shift?

In Fact, the whole shambles of 4th Dimension is just a joke, like chavs, George Bush, and poland.

{Please note that the reference to poland being a joke are only for paradocial purposes, which for illeterate people (chavs) means its not true and should not be taken seriousy. Huh! Just like Chavs!}

Pictures[edit | edit source]

Anywho its quite hard to get picture of the 4th dimension because its meant to symbolise time

or so they say so instead i'll post a picture of a clock

For those chavs who haven't noticed, this clock is backwards. thats right really am that lazy that i couldn't be bothered to get a proper picture.

This is another picture of a clock except this one is dancing, symbolising the fact that it looks cool.

its a dancing clock therefore using pythagorus' thereom I Have calculated that it is very cool

But i can tell you are extremely interested in this subject, <insert name here>. MUHAHAHAHAHA! see! I used the 4th dimension to work out your name.

People who took interest in this article[edit | edit source]