User:Xander/Boris (Terraria)/City of Detroit v. Bill Stickers

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~ Boris and Everyone else on City of Detroit v. Bill Stickers
Bill Stickers Is Innocent.png

Boris played a huge role in the Supreme Court case City of Detroit v. Bill Stickers, where Bill was tried for several crimes that he may or may not commit such as: Cat destruction, third degree murder, shoplifting, Child frightening, treason, and Vehicular manslaughter. His "prosecutor," Mr. Judge, suggests giving Bill the death penalty for his actions, but the jury went up in flames after hearing the announcement.

Long Debate[edit | edit source]

The jury had a long discussion with Mr. Judge on how he was overreacting on the charges pressed against Bill. Eventually, the Supreme Court ruled that there was no evidence found regarding his crimes and Mr. Judge's proposal was a direct violation of Amendment 8. In conclusion, Bill Stickers is innocent.

See also[edit | edit source]