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 Yelling Score: 30 Moves: 24

> Yell really loud!

You start yelling at the skinheads: "Ich bin ein Schwuler, und Sie sind Skinheads. Obwohl Sie sind gegen ihn Ich möchte, dass meine Hoden lecken, dann Angriff England!"

(Translation (basically) "Attack England")

The skinheads are all riled up

> Yeah!!

But none of the skinheads know German since none of them graduated high school. So they just begin moshing and trashing everything in sight.

> Basically what I had in mind anyways...

Which still is basically what you had in mind. But they only attack minorities, prompting the national BCLU (british counterpart to the ACLU) army to open fire killing most of your supporters...

...and finally you.



But wait!

Suddenly, you wake up!

You sigh with relief. "Phew, it was all just a dream!"

Anyway, you're back in the nondescript room. Now to start your adventure for real. Oh, and the Grue-ologist is missing, for some reason.