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Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment March 2010
Commander of the Order
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This user created The Fifth Element, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
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Who is Tragicbooty?[edit | edit source]

Humble legend and activist.

Please give generously.

Shit what I basically done[edit | edit source]

Faith - Rewrite of article.

UnNews:"Green Zone" shocks the nation - First stab at some news the day after I saw the film.

The Fifth Element - Oh god this is awful but in a good way I think...

Shit what I basically done a bit of[edit | edit source]

Shit what I basically tickled a bit[edit | edit source]

Kingston Upon Hull - Added a daft picture.

My own shit[edit | edit source]
