User:The Dit/42

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... to warrant its own article. So it will be here, for now...

Here is meant to be the ultimate list, documenting all appearances of Douglas Adams' most important discovery: the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything (a.k.a. 42). This was set up because there didn't seem to be such a database with this goal anywhere else.

To be considered an eligible candidate:

  • It must be, be representative of, lead to and/or incorporate the number forty-two (42) with respect to its significance attributed to it by Douglas Adams
  • It must have been referenced to knowingly by a person or persons, with reasonable certainty
  • It must be situated in such a place/medium that can be apparent to many of the public

The Ultimate List (to be)[edit | edit source]

This list is not yet complete! Okay, so the chances of it ever being complete is pretty low, but still, you can help complete the list!

Where Details Medium
42 Entertainment The producing company references 42 in its name, 42 Entertainment. Producing company
Adventure Quest The door labeled 42 in the inn will reference Douglas Adams' books in this online game. Game
Ankh The computer game, Ankh, shows Assil asking the genie about life, the universe and everything in chapter 4, to which the reply is 42. Game
Between the Lions - Lionel In the PBS kids show, Betwen the Lions, Lionel's rugby jersey has the number 42 on its sleeve. TV show
The Burkiss Way The 1976 sketch show, The Burkiss Way, was the first time the show's writer, Douglas Adams, used 42. In the sketch called Logical Positivism, the punchline was to be found at 42 Logical Positivism Avenue. TV Show
Dragon Ball: Saga One helpfile from the text-based RPG is entitled meaningoflife; if you type in "Help meaningoflife", you will get the response "The Number 42". RPG
Dragon Quest You are told that the meaning of life is in room number 42 in this online game. Game
DX-Ball 2 Longbow Digital Arts' 1998 game, DX-Ball 2, when left idle for long enough will scroll a long message on the screen, ending with "The meaning of life is ... the defeat of entropy (blank screen) Ha-ha! You thought I was going to say ... Forty-two, didn't you?" Game
Finding Nemo The address that Dory had to remember was 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Movie
Geoff Fortytwo Winona State University student Geoff D. Busker in 1998 changed his name to Geoff Fortytwo. Person
Ghost In the movie, Ghost, where Patric Swayze first learned to move objects, he was on platform 42. Movie
Google Calculator If you search in Google "the answer to life, the universe and everything" or something similar, Google's calculator feature will come up with the answer 42. Website
Heroes In the second last episode of the first season, Bennet tells that the tracking system was on the 42nd floor; when Jessica asked Linderman where Micah was, Linderman reveals Micah was also on the 42nd floor. TV show
King Kong (2005) In Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong, the number 42 is painted on the crate behind Carl Denham in the scriptwriting scene between Carl and Jack Driscoll as Denham says "The island." Movie
The Kurmars at No. 42 The British TV talk show, The Kurmars at No. 42, features a family living at a residence with house number 42. TV show
Level 42 The British band references 42 in its name, Level 42. Band name
Linux v. 1.3.2 kernel source In the source code of Linux (version 1.3.2) at kernel/time.c, a note explains that the appearance of "42" in its code will allow the year to come out right in the OS. Operating system
Live Search Searching "answer to life the universe and everything" on Live will give you the answer 42. Website
The Matrix In the scene when Neo shoots the elevator cable with Trinity, they were on floor 42. Movie
Microsoft Visual C++ Wikipedia: ... creating a new Dynamic-link library project will generate default code with a sample function that just returns 42. Program
Planes of Existence The talker Planes of Existence used 42 in the beginning of all its ports. MUD
Prolog Wikipedia: In SWI Prolog, if one asks for a capitalised goal predicate, such as Predicate. or X., therefore turning the goal into the uninstantiated question (in other words, one asks a question that can be loosely translated as "What matches [everything]?" or "Is there an [everything]?"), one is given 42. Programming language
SUSE Linux The first real distribution of SUSE Linux was numbered 4.2. Operating system
Team Trafikk Oracle The Norwegian bus company's Oracle, when asked "Hva er meningen med livet?" ("What is the meaning of life?") will answer 42. Website
TIFF All TIFF image files start with a byte order indicator of 2 bytes that represent "42". File format
Vim The command ":help 42" in the text editor, Vim, responds with "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? *42* Douglas Adams, the only person who knew what this question really was about is now dead, unfortunately. So now you might wonder what the meaning of death is..." Program
X-Files Fox Mulder from X-Files lives in apartment room number 42. TV Show