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Motto: "Yo-ho-ho"
National Anthem: A Pirate Looks Back at 40
Pirate map.PNG
Government System Piracy
Official language English, but with a West Country accent
Captain Morgan
Population (dead man's chest) 50
National Heroes Edward Teach, Sir Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Jack Sparrow, Shawn Fanning
Pieces 8
Exports Nothing
Imports Anything that can fit on a ship
National Policy: See Imports; Exports
Holidays: Talk Like a Pirate Day

Tortuga (Île de la Tortue in Parley) is a Carrribbean island, says I. She lies off the norrrthwest coast of Haiti, arr. Its name in both Spanish (Isla Tortuga) and French means "Turtle Island" or "Tortoise Island"[1], and sometimes it be called that in th' English tongue. Shiver me timbers, Tortuga be a major center of Caribbean piracy in the 17th century. Avast, ye scurvy dogs!

History[edit | edit source]

Tortuga be discovered by Europeans in 1493, durin' th' first voyage o' Christopher Columbus into th' New World. Columbus` jacks called 't Tortuga on accoun' o' its humped shape resembled a turtle[2], ya horn swogglin' landlubber!

President of Tortuga, says I.

Tortuga be originally settled by a wee Spanish colonists, ye bilge rat! In 1625, French an' English settlers arrived on th' isle, arrr o' Tortugan after initially plannin' t' settle on th' isle, arrr o' Hispaniola. Th' French an' English settlers be attacked in 1629 by th' Spanish commanded by Don Fadrique de Toledo. Th' Spanish be successful an' fortified th' isle, arrr, expellin' th' French an' English men. As most o' th' Spanish army port fer Hispaniola t' root ou' French colonists thar, th' French returned t' take th' fort an' expanded on th' Spanish-built fortifications. In 1630, th' French built Fort de Rocher in a natural harbour. From 1630 onward, th' isle, arrr o' Tortuga be divided into French an' English colonies allowin' buccaneers t' use th' isle, arrr more frequently as the'r main base o' operations. In 1633, th' first slaves be imported from Africa t' aid in th' plantations. Th' new slave trend did nay stick, an' by 1635, th' use o' slaves had ended. Th' slaves be spake t' be ou' o' control on th' isle, arrr, an' at th' same time thar had been continual disagreements an' fightin' between French an' English colonies. In th' same voyage, th' Spanish returned an' smartly conquered th' English an' French colonies, only t' leave again, due t' th' isle, arrr bein' too wee t' be o' major importance. This abandonment o' Tortuga allowed th' return o' both French an' English gentleman o' fortunes. In 1638, th' Spanish again returned t' take th' isle, arrr an' rid 't o' all French an' newly settled Dutch. They occupied th' isle, arrr, but be soon expelled by th' French an' Dutch colonists, ya swabbie.

Navy of Tortuga

By 1640, th' buccaneers o' Tortuga be callin' they's self th' Brethren o' th' Coast. Th' shipmate population be mostly made up o' French an' Englishmen, along wi' a wee number o' Dutchmen. In 1645, in an attempt t' brin' harmony an' control o'er th' isle, arrr, th' actin' French governor imported roughly 1,650 prostitutes, hopin' t' regularize th' unruly shipmates` lives. By th' voyage 1670, as th' buccaneer era be in decline, many o' th' shipmates, seekin' a new source o' trade, turned t' log cuttin' an' tradin' wood from th' isle, arrr. At this time, however, a Welsh shipmate named Henry Morgan started t' promote hisself an' invite th' shipmates on th' isle, arrr o' Tortuga t' set sail under th' lad's. They be hired by th' French as a strikin' force that allowed France t' be havin' a much stronger hold on th' Caribbean region. Consequently, th' shipmates be nerereally controlled, an' kept Tortuga as a neutral hideout fer shipmate booty. In 1680, new Acts o' Parliament forbade sailing] under foreign jolly rogers (in opposition t' former practice). This be a major legal blow t' Caribbean shipmates. Settlements be finally made in th' Treaty o' Ratisbon o' 1684, signed by th' European powers, that put an end t' sweet trade. Most o' th' shipmates after this time be hired ou' into th' Royal services t' suppress the'r former buccaneer allies.

Geography[edit | edit source]

The isle, arrr o' Tortuga stands off th' northern coast o' Haiti. 'Tis very mountainous an' full o' rocks; yet, 'tis hugely dense o' lofty trees that grow upon th' hardest o' them rocks. Th' rocks be abundant on th' northern part o' th' isle, arrr. At th' beginnin' o' th' 17th century th' population lived on th' southern coast o' th' isle, arrr. This part contained a port that allowed several entries t' ships.

Th' southern part o' th' isle, arrr be divided into four; th' first part be called Low Land or Low Country. This be th' main part o' th' southern coast on accoun' o' 't contained th' isle, arrr`s port. Th' town be called Cayona, an' thar lived th' richest planters o' th' isle, arrr. Th' second be called th' Middle Plantation. Its territory could only grow tobacco. Th' third part be named Ringot. These places be situated towards th' Western part o' th' isle, arrr. Th' fourth be called th' Mountain; 'tis thar that th' first cultivated plantation be established upon th' isle, arrr.

L`ile de la Tortue`s best beach be Pointe Saline at th' western tip o' th' wee isle, arrr. This area be very dry an' offers wee shade. At th' Les Palmiste on th' eastern coast visit a pre-Columbian rock carvin' o' a goddess at La Grotte au Bassin an' two big caves at Trou d`Enfer an' La Grotte de la Galerie. Basse-Terre, on th' southeastern coast, be homeport t' th' remains o' Fort de la Roche, once th' isle, arrr`s biggest fortress. Along wi' a 15 m high lime kiln, three cannons an' th' foundations o' a wall be all that be port o' Fort Ogeron, built in th' mid 1600s.

Education[edit | edit source]

University of Tortuga

Schooling be offered at the University of Tortuga, when its campus is not being pillaged.

Law Enforcement[edit | edit source]

Har, har, har.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Aye, sea turtles.
  2. See note 1.