If you do not know what the word "Sanguine" means, please go away. If you do know what it means, you are too smart for your own good and therefore should go kitten huffing to lower your intelligence, and then come here and then go away. Or, you can stay here and bug me and we can be to smart for our own good until our heads a splode. Yeah, that last one sounds like more fun. Unless kitten huffing is just your kind of thing. By all means.
What I am all about.[edit | edit source]
Mostly, I am about being fun, stupid, idiotic and a girl. But sometimes, as noted by the intro, I do like being smart. In the nerdy way, not the annoying way. I do like to snark, though. To snark is to truly know how to use sarcasm, to the extent that not even YOU know that you're being sarcastic. Well, I'm almost a master snarker; I have yet to snark without knowing it.
Other stuff.[edit | edit source]
I like to read both books, comics, and faces. I am a halo fan-girl even though I have only played halo once and got my butt kicked. It was first to 50 kills, and it was between me and my friend Jay and his cousin. Jay won, and it was close with his cousin only 2 behind. And guess what my score was: I had four. And not even four. It was three, because I acidentally killed my halo dude once. yeah. Pathetic.
More other stuff.[edit | edit source]
I have a friend whose name is Spencer Slaughter. I'm not lying. He says that if he has kids and it's a boy, he'll name it Man. And if it's a girl, Bunny. My other friends are equally crazy, and, surprisingly enough, I was told that I am the voice of fairly reasonable reason. This comes from the group of people going to a Masquerade birthday party with midevil food.
Amazing quotes[edit | edit source]
These are real quotes I got from real people. They may or may not be take out of context.
“Choking someone with a bra!!”
“6. 12. 24! 48!!”
“Shielding his face...with a gerbil!”
“It's just leaf! It's just a leaf...”
“I don't know how to freaking draw a chicken!”
“I hate common sense.”
“I was wrestling on a trampoline...”
“Why does it say happy hole on your pants?!”
“Your underwear's on top of your underwear!!”
“Well, that just puts the icing on the frosting.”
“I have domesticated coins!”
“I wonder if you can, like, think if you're a rock?”
“Pigs & coins, pigs & coins, pigs & coins!!”
“Lemons don't grow on trees, do they? Really?!”
“On a scale of one to ten, how naked ARE you?”
“It's time to die, fish.”
“I only set stuff on fire that's SUPPOSED to be set on fire.”
“I stole it from the air! Wait, that made no sense.”
“Why'd you call me a fruit loop? That's insinuating gay circumstances.”
“Ok, so one time I blew up an Axe can in my bathroom.”
“Who wants to guess what my pants are stained with?”
“I stapled my finger, I stapled my finger, I stapled my finger, it hurts!!”
“"Girly" and "Zombie" don't even go in the same sentance.”
“Yeah, it's the smell that my house sounds like.”
“You called me short on a stick!”
“I think my second favorite hobby, other than thinking, is making people laugh.”
“Why does your backpack smell so bad? Zack's soul is in it.”
“It's in my face why wouldn't I smell it?”
“Well, hey, that was fun...and entirely useless. But isn't that what the internet's for?”
“I don't want to die on the f ing school bus!!”
“You opened your mouth so wide, you could stick both feet in.”
“Are you kidding? It's freaking smart. The minnow's crafting a shiv.”
“I like cheesy movies because they make me feel happy about life.”
“I've got a pick-up truck and 52 chairs, let's make this work!”
“That means ME. I get a thosand bonus points.”
“With 17 people you can knock down a pretty big tree. Hey, it's a passtime.”
“Hey, Spencer, feel this bread.”
“I'm going to practice lock picking. Not to rob people, just for fun.”
“OK, let's get our grafting calculators and tinker!”
“I asked for a nickle and somebody gave me an orange!!”
“Well, a gay bar would seem to be a happy place. An un-gay bar would just be violent.”
“Yeah, well, don't drink and sell yourself!”
“Hey, he wasn't a pot head, he just slept around!”
“Oh, and that old lady over there? I thought she was a witch, but she was just really ugly.”
“You don't understand, I get hit in the face A LOT.”
“You pooped in the refridgerator and ate a wheel of cheese. Congratulations!”
“We're gonna have fun, but nobody's gonna be naked!”
“I almost got stabbed by a German kid. I had to give him 200 euros. "You mean you got mugged?" "NO I got lost!!”
“Blah blah blah let's mate! Blah blah blah sure!" "You mean like drunk people?" "Very, very drunk people.”
“I'll be over there if anything happens, you know, fire, blood, not breathing." "How much blood?" "Enough to stain the carpet.”
“I heard she got the dress because it was 'easy access.'”
One more thing[edit | edit source]
I am writing a book. If it becomes published you shall all be the first to know. If you cared, that is.
See also[edit | edit source]
- snark
- halo
- away
- kitten huffing (aka "not my passtime")
do-E |
This user only speaks Dolphin because it was a required course in school. |
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