User:Puppy/History of the world/timeline
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<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:355 PlotArea = width:720 height:333 left:65 bottom:20 AlignBars = justify
Colors =
id:time value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.5) # id:age value:rgb(0.95,0.85,0.5) # id:era value:rgb(1,0.85,0.5) # id:eon value:rgb(1,0.85,0.7) # id:filler value:gray(0.8) # background bar id:black value:black
Period = from:-3000 till:1000 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-3000 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-3000
PlotData =
align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
bar:Time color:period from: -3000 till: -1200 text:Bronze Age from: -1200 till: 400 text:Iron Age from: 400 till: 1000 text:Middle Ages bar:Mideast color:era from: -3000 till: -550 text:Mesopotamia from: -550 till: -322 shift:(0,-10) text:Achaemenid from: -322 till: -247 shift:(0,0) text:Seleucid from: -247 till: 224 shift:(0,-10) text:Parthian from: 224 till: 651 text:Sassanid from: 651 till: 1000 text:Caliphates bar:Africa color:age from: -3000 till: -800 text:Ancient Egypt from: -800 till: 350 text:Kingdom of Kush from: 350 till: 1000 text:Axumite Empire bar:Med/Europe color:era from: -3000 till: -1200 text:Archaic from: -1200 till: -650 text:Phoenicia from: -650 till: -146 text:Ancient Greece from: -146 till: 500 text:Ancient Rome from:500 till: 1000 text:Middle Ages bar:Indus color:age from: -3000 till: -1200 text:Indus Valley from: -1200 till: -180 text:Iron Age India from: -180 till: 1 text:Indo-Greeks from: 1 till: 1000 text:Middle kingdoms bar:China color:era from: -3000 till: -2000 text:Sovereigns and Emperors from: -2000 till: -200 text:Ancient China from: -200 till: 1000 text:Imperial China bar:N.Americas color:age from: -3000 till: -1500 text:Archaic from: -1500 till: 650 text:Classic from: 650 till: 1000 text:Precolombian bar:C.Americas color:era from: -3000 till: -1500 text:Archaic from: -1500 till: 250 text:Formative from: 250 till: 900 text:Classic from: 900 till: 1000 text:Postclassic bar:S.Americas color:age from: -3000 till: -1900 text:Archaic from: -1900 till: 200 text:Preclassic from: 200 till: 1000 text:Classic