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Knight Commander of the Order

Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month January 2010

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month January 2009

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month January 2009

Platinum Pisser

Rejoice! Your colossal achievement of completing over 50 in-depth pee reviews has been recognised with the provision of this luxury micturitional accessory. You will be the envy of your friends. Or you would be, if you hadn't ignored them for ages while you were reviewing.

Golden Urinal

awarded 1/23/09

Awarded 12/29/08

Awarded 12/30/2008

Shiny brass anvil.jpg Tooltroll likes me so much, he gave me a shiny brass anvil!
Awarded 1/13/2009

Awarded 1/19/2009
Awarded 1/28/2009

Bff.png World's Best Friend January 2009

MShippo37915.jpg Jolly Good Show!

MrN9000 could not help but notice that you have been doing some spiffingly good deeds of late.
As such, you have been awarded this rather nice boxy type thing by way of recognition.
awarded 2/7/09

Newcookie.gif Modusoperandi has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
awarded 3/10/09