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Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

This User is an English teacher: Keep your dangling participles to yourself, young man!

This User is also a Mom: For the love of God, get this woman a Bloody Mary and a bottle of Zoloft!

Original Articles by this User[edit | edit source]

Articles To Which This User Has Significantly Contributed[edit | edit source]

Recommended Reading[edit | edit source]

Images Created With This User's Lamentably Child-Like Photo-Editing Skills[edit | edit source]


My Mood[edit | edit source]

my mood ring
ready to go

Interjection/Idiom of the Day[edit | edit source]

<choose> <option>Wow!</option> <option>Monkey biscuit!</option> <option>Son of a goat!</option> <option>Yes indeed!</option> <option>Tartar sauce!</option> <option>Okay!</option> <option>No problem!</option> <option>Bite me!</option> <option>Ass Monkey!</option> <option>Piss off!</option> <option>Nuke a godless, communist, gay baby seal!</option> <option>It's no trouble</option> <option>Not at all!</option> <option>Okey-dokey!</option> <option>Golly!</option> <option>Damn!</option> <option>Well then!</option> <option>Watch out!</option> <option>Jumpin' Jiminy!</option> <option>Hey</option> <option>Ouch!</option> <option>Hell's bells!</option> <option>Alas</option> <option>Bejesus</option> <option>Cheers</option> <option>Gadzooks</option> <option>Geez</option> <option>Eureka</option> <option>Cripes</option> <option>Crikey</option> <option>Hell no</option> <option>Hello</option> <option>For Pete's sake!</option> <option>Land ahoy</option> <option>Curses!</option> <option>Now that's what I'm talkin' about!</option> <option>Now, now</option> <option>Oh boy</option> <option>OMFG!</option> <option>Presto</option> <option>Rats</option> <option>Roger</option> <option>Scuzi!</option> <option>Stop the presses</option> <option>Uh-oh</option> <option>Whoopee!</option> <option>Woe is me</option> <option>Woohoo</option> <option>Woopiedoo</option> <option>Hold the phone</option> <option>Wazzzuuppp?!?</option> <option>Cheerio!</option> <option>Big deal</option> <option>Break a leg</option> <option>Come to think of it</option> <option>Close, but no cigar</option> <option>Come again</option> <option>Get off</option> <option>For goodness' sake</option> <option>For the love of all that is holy</option> <option>Have it your way</option> <option>Kick butt</option> <option>Pardon my French</option> <option>Over my dead body</option> <option>Put a sock in it</option> <option>Roll out the red carpet</option> <option>Snowball's chance in hell</option> <option>When Hell freezes over</option> <option>When all is said and done</option> <option>When pigs fly</option> <option>What's eating you?</option> <option>You don't say!</option> <option>Bastich</option> <option>Barnacles</option> <option>Cakesniffer</option> <option>Demon dogs</option> <option>What the hell</option> <option>Dillweed</option> <option>-Expletive Deleted-</option> <option>Fargin' iceholes</option> <option>Furgle</option> <option>Smugfunt</option> <option>Holy flerking shnit</option> <option>Melon farmer</option> <option>Puckernuts</option> <option>Zarking fardwarks</option> <option>He chusheng zajiao de zanghuo</option> <option>Bugger</option> <option>Jesus, Mary, and Joseph</option> <option>Or, you know, whatever</option> <option>Or something</option>