User:AE/Double negative

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For those who aren't not into comedic tastes, the so-called not not experts at Wikipedia think they don't not have an article about Double negative.
Once you don't not go back to Math class, you will not be not getting homework. We don't need no education though.

This article doesn't not contain non Double un-negatives. I am not going to not going to not remove the double negatives because Double Negatives aren't not awesome. The un non-atrocious grammar of the article doesn't make the article not not funny. My English Teacher wouldn't not not recommend this article in this style. I don't not not listen to him because he isn't not gay. I don't not hate people who hate people who hate people who don't not like Mr. Winkler.

Stuff I didn't not learn in school[edit | edit source]

We didn't not learn about the Holocaust. Personally, I am opposed to holocaust denial denial denial.

This article isn't not going to not going to not confuse me[edit | edit source]

This is not going to not going to not hurt my eyeballs yet. If you can't not not not not not not understand what I'm not not not not not saying, you will not have to not have to not have to not have to repeat Math Class. Do you not not not not not not not understand me? This is not not not not not getting Hard to read. Don't you not want me to make it even harder? Yah, that's what I wasn't not thinking, so you aren't going to not going to not going to not going to not complain if this article isn't not not not difficult to read?