Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Know Your Meme

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Know Your Meme[edit source]

SomemoronnamedSuperspongebobbros (talk) 02:19, 1 March 2019 (UTC)

Humour: 2 While we often say that the funniest content is that which is closest to the truth, this article is actually too true in that what is said about KYM is accurate in the literal sense. Sadly, that is now true for most of our articles about society. I would take this content and rework it to fit a narrative about the site, if there are any notable events.
Concept: 2 Minimal creativity, just because the topic itself is so unknown/not currently relevant.
Prose and formatting: 8 Good and proper article formatting, but requiring a length expansion.
Images: 3 Not enough images, and not enough images with good content in them designed to make people laugh at the inane retardery of users on the site. See the humor section comment about a narrative - image captions fitting this narrative, combined with some good images, would make for a killer article supplement.
Miscellaneous: 5 To adjust for this topic needing to be done well.
Final Score: 20 To make this article really stand out, I would rework it to include more shock humor/epithets against the groups being chastised (such as bronies). Many of our users have recently become more SJW and sensitive to the feelings of maligned minorities; cast these concerns away and go in looking to tastefully offend as many people as possible.
Reviewer: AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 00:03 4 April 2019