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Uncyclopedia:Externally Linked Pages

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“The only thing worse than being talked about is being talked about and not knowing about being talked about because no one added a {{Exlinkto}} template to your talk page on Uncyclopedia.”

This page shows articles which are linked from outside Uncyclopedia.


If Uncyclopedia articles are being linked and discussed from somewhere interesting on the Internet you can tell us about it by adding {{Exlinkto}} to the articles talk page.

|- |Lake District | "Frankly, it bored the a*** off me, and I only went for five days." |- |Uncyclopedia | |- |Kitten Huffing | |- |Flying Spaghetti Monster |knowyourmeme New York Times! reprinted in Taipeitmies |- |Malaysia |Malaysian government warns citizens about Uncyclopedia |- |Ron Paul | (old forum and improved a lot since then) |- |Boone's Farm |Google Number 5! "Drinking Boone's Farm is kind of like snorting glue, but in a bottle. Stale glue..." |- |Who built the moon |Google number 2! na, only for 2 days. grumpy guy - Facebook |- |Cyprus |Cyprus Mail |- |Fish Puns |Ask! no more |- |Above Top Secret |ATS website forum about this page.