UnNews:Txt spek shwing up in scools

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7 March 2011

omg i cant beleve ms parker tok my secnd nd thrd phnes nd lft me w/ this 1.

NW YRK, NY. hey gaiz this is amber reprtng in via txt msg.

lik O.M.G. i jst herd this thing were tchrs were all "u gaiz hav 2 start using god splling nd stff so u can get god grads in skl." cuz ppl were lik usng txt tlk in pprs. That is lik the bigst bs i hav evr herd. i can rite fin. if u cant undrstnd wut im ritng than ur jst stupd

my techr wuz all "u no ovr 50% of teenagrs dont think txting iz riting." but that is bs 2. i mean how can i not b riting 2 my frends?!? its jst stupd i rite things 2 my frends all the time on my phne!!!! now i cant evn get a a on a ppr on shksbeard cuz my techr ddnt lik my riting. how cud my esay not get a a?! ms parker wntd 3 pges on romeo nd jewliet but that is lik waaaaaaay 2 much so i jst rote i luv romeo & juliet cuz u get to c how in luv the 2 caractrz r :p that is a god revw of rnj rite? well i got a f!!!!

its soooooooo embarasng!! my frends r all "lol ur stupd" but im not stupd! my techrs all say im stupd cuz they don't lik wut i say in my pprs. my prents tell me that techrs r jst gelus cuz im so smrt. i no im smrt cuz im in calc evn tho im a sophomore. that meens i shud b abl 2 get a a on a stupd ppr. techrs are jst so dum.

its not lik i don't no the rite ways 2 rite. i no how 2 spll wrds lik "twitter" nd "definately" but techers jst think that im soooooooo stupd that i don't no how to spll if i don't do it evry time!!! shes so stupd. its not lik im goin turn in2 charly shen when i grw up.

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