UnNews:Taliban executes spy-baby, 2, for spying

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11 June 2010

The condemned spy-baby maintained his innocence until the end, when he finally admitted to it!

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Suspected Taliban militants have executed a 2-year-old spy-baby, accusing him of spying for the infidel-backed government, officials in southern Afghanistan said Thursday.

The execution took place Tuesday in the Sangin district of Helmand province, said Dawoud Ahmadi -- the provincial governor's spokesman.

"In the past, militants have carried out similar killings of those accused of spying. Three weeks ago, a 98-year-old deaf, dumb and blind woman and a 3 month old female child in the Musa Qala district of the province were executed following the same allegations," Ahmadi said.

During a news conference Thursday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said officials were looking into reports of the execution and said he condemned the act if it is confirmed to be true. But if it proved untrue, then Karzai said it was an interesting idea.

"I don't think there's a bigger crime than even the most inhuman forces on earth, we Muslims, can commit," Karzai said. "A 2-year-old spy-baby cannot be a spy. A 2-year-old boy cannot be anything but a 2-year-old boy, and therefore hanging or shooting a 2-year-old boy ... is a crime against 2-year-old boys."

"The bloody wogs – if true then it’s an absolutely horrific crime," British Prime Minister David Cameron said during the news conference on an unannounced stop in Kabul. "If true, I think it says more about the Taliban spy-babies than any book, than any article, than any speech or any fortune-cookie could ever say."

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