UnNews:Sheep saves David Cameron from drowning by wading into muddy swamp

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2 April 2013

The farm where Mr.Cameron got stuck.

A sheep has been hailed a hero today after saving British Prime Minister David Cameron after the 46-year-old had been trapped in a swamp in his constituency of Chipping Norton.

Sheepy the sheep spotted the struggling Conservative leader while on his way home from a neighbour’s farm, and plunged waist-deep into the swamp to haul The Prime Minister to safety, it has emerged.

Mr Cameron became stuck in the swamp after being told there were some crucial documents linking him to disgraced former News of The World editor Rebekah Wade there.

David Cameron looking for the documents.

Sheepy's owner, farmer Garath Fromply, 78, said: “When I got there, I thought Sheepy would be on the bank pointing, but no, he was in the thick of it. he was there with David in the swamp, pulling, pushing and shoving. He was covered in mud, he looked a mess!"

The Prime Minister has now been nicknamed Swampy and is “very happy to be back with his family,” according to an official statement from Downing Street.

Mr Fromply added that it's not the first time Sheepy has been a hero. "He tends to wander away from our farm, I think just to get away from it all, but more often than not he gets himself involved with some more soul or other. Last month he chewed through a rope to stop David Miliband from hanging himself."

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