UnNews:Renewed hunt for Indian Ocean debris
21 March 2014
The rogue terrorist Indian Ocean is now believed to be responsible for the hijack of the missing Malaysian aircraft, MH370.
Australian officials say two objects that could be plane debris are being harboured by the ocean.
The objects were noticed on satellite images on Thursday morning, but the ocean is believed to be working in league with the air which has shrouded the area in clouds; hampering the search efforts. It is unclear as of yet, why the air has decided to side with the Indian Ocean although the air is well-known for repeated hurricane attacks against America’s east coast. “It is very worrying,” says a UK military advisor “the prospect of the sea in league with the air. It provides a very real terrorist threat.”
In 2004, the Indian Ocean was under investigation by American authorities for a suspected terrorist attack against south-east Asia. President George W. Bush attempted the capture of the Indian Ocean by sending a specialist team of CIA agents and several very large buckets. The hope was to bring the ocean back to American soil for a full trial. Reportedly, all agents drowned while on mission, and to this day the ocean remains at large.
Experts have stated for years that the Ocean would attempt another attack and believe that the ocean has taken the plane in order to weaponise it. It is theorised that the ocean will attempt to cover the surface of the plane with sea anemones and have it fly at American officials. It is also suggested whales could be packed into the cabin which could explode into a rain of bone and burning fat.[1]
President Obama is expected to send troops to retrieve the plane and apprehend the ocean if possible, but has learnt from the mistakes of the bush administration. “All of our soldiers have received their 50m dolphin level swimming badges, and will be equipped with backup inflatable arm-bands” a spokesperson for Obama tells us.
As of yet, no search boat or plane has discovered the wreckage and the Ocean has not attacked any of the search-teams. Families are hopeful the Ocean has kept prisoners alive.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- BBC "MH370 Malaysian plane: Indian Ocean searched for plane" BBC, March 21, 2014