UnNews:Putin is sick of LiveJournal too
4 December 2007

AP Futurewire, August 1, 2008 (UnGadget) -- SUP, an international Media company, has announced a merger with a bunch of whiny users who responded to a challenge by the media company to "put their money where their mouths were" and further "buy some damn stock shares if you want us to listen to you." The User group, called Whiny Individuals Talking Unceasingly (WITU) bought approximately 50% of the shares of LiveJournal, Inc. at approximately $0.01 per share. Market analysts attributed the low share price to the fact that "nobody knows how to make any fucking money with this thing."
The SUP-WITU merger comes only six months after the December 2007 sale of LiveJournal from Six Apart (SA) to SUP. The SA, SUP-WITU LiveJournal transactions are being closely monitored by the TalkinBout community, which is owned by Willis communications. A user group on that community, Whiny Asshats Typing Unrelentingly (WATU) have plans for a possible stock buy of their community board, creating a WATU-TalkinBout / Willis merger on the horizon. Again, SA, SUP-WITU right now, WATU-TalkinBout / Willis later.
The Michigan Chapter of Keep the Internet Safe and Sound (KISS) has filed a class action law suit against WATU-TalkinBout / Willis in an attempt to halt the buyout of their board from SA, SUP-WITU, stating that the community board buyouts from groups such as WATU-TalkinBout pose a disturbing trend in splintering Internet social networking sites, like LiveJournal. KISS-MI has been joined by several other groups in the law suit, including the watchdog Groups Rejecting Internet TrendS. A spokesgoat from WATU-TalkinBout / Willis said at a news conference today that the KISS-MI / GRITS law suit poses no threat to their acquisition of their community board at this time.
Executives from LiveJournal did post reactions to this story, but their comments were screened as "Extreme Adult Content".
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Anal Dash "I hope the Russians love their journals too" LibelJournal, December 3, 2007