UnNews:Pro-lifers change mind after seeing this photo
Monday, January 30, 2017

This photo has convinced millions of pro-lifers all over the United States of the error of their ways.
The image, created in the wake of an angry response on social networks over Donald Trump's decision to remove funding from foreign NGO's involved in abortion, has led to many online apologies and retractions from Christian campaigners.
One, Mary Theresa Murphy, told Unnews: "This is such a great analogy. When I first saw the other image, the one that said something like, 'as long a you live, you will never see a group of women tell men what to do with their reproductive organs', I thought: 'What a facile comparison. It's nothing to do with their organs - in fact I am telling them to leave their organs alone and not have invasive procedures. No, what I am concerned about is the fucking baby inside you.' But now I see this, which compares the decision to terminate a conceived child with the tendency of men not to want children every time they ejaculate, I am totally convinced."
Similarly, Antonio Maldini, who was until yesterday the head of Italian Americans Against Abortion (IAAA!), told UnNews: "You might think that I would point out that saying it's illegal for a man to ejaculate unless it's to reproduce is like saying it's illegal for a woman to ovulate unless it's to reproduce, but no. I am not going to say that. I am going to say, I love this picture, and it totally persuaded me that I was stupid, and that the person who made it was clever, which is what social media is for."
The huge-scale change in public opinion has created waves of celebrations in the street, as the cancellation of Trump's executive order will mean more abortions in the developing world - pleasing both liberals, who love abortions, and conservatives, who, on reflection, are not crazy about brown babies.
However, not all of the developments have been positive. Creepy loner Mac Logan posted on the UnNews Facebook page: "Seeing as this picture implies men and women are totally the same and what applies to one NECESSARILY applies to the other, does that mean if I conceive a child I am allowed to make a unilateral decision and kill that fetus as long as it's less than 28 weeks old?"
See also[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Abortion debate leads to first ever change of opinion
- UnNews:US doctor found guilty of 39th week abortions