UnNews:Please tell us more about US elections, says world
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
People the world over are begging news agencies and outlets to tell them more about the fascinating, globally important elections taking place in the US this month.
Apparently not sated by the fact that the-vote-before-the-choice-before-the-candidate-is-chosen-before-the-president-is-chosen has dominated newspapers, news broadcasts and websites, citizens of the globe are demanding more reports, more analysis, more statistics, more graphs, and more fascinating descriptions of states they couldn't find on a map if their lives depended on it.
Pierre Parkeur, a 41-year old cartoonist from Paris, told UnNews: "My greatest fear is that I won't know who the president is until the day after the election. I want to tell all the journalists in France: this is not enough.
"I want to know about a thing called a caucus, then another thing called a primary. Just the presidential election is not sufficient. I want the election for the election for the election."
And Joanna Corey, a sufferer of anxiety attacks who is currently unemployed in Manchester, said: "I don't think British newspapers realise there are only 270 days to go till the next president is chosen. Just 270 days! I for one want to read about nothing else until then; I want to hear every gaffe, be exposed to every animated GIF, and nod sagely or boo when people who will have little-to-no effect on the rest of my life campaign to be chosen."
Klaus Wagner, a 23-year-old student from Cologne, pointed out the benefits of extensive coverage: "I would struggle to name five world leaders. Even with Putin, I can't remember if he is the prime minister or the president, but for some reason, I not only know the name of the current US president, I know the names and several facts about the dozen or so people trying to succeed him."