UnNews:No ICANN decision on new domain for porn

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12 March 2010

This hottie needs a domain of her own.

NAIROBI, Kenya -- An Internet oversight agency on Friday put off a decision on a new ".xxx" Internet suffix for pornography.

The board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) deferred the decision until June. Instead, at a conference here in Kenya, where there are no computers, ICANN initiated a 70-day consultation period. Expert Jenna Jameson (right) was invited to Africa to "consult," as were several authorities from a genre known as "cream pie." "There's a lot of complex issues," ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom said, without elaborating.

The .xxx suffix, called a domain, was a voluntary proposal, which means:

  • Setting up the family computer so that Junior cannot reach the domain would not keep him away from porn.
  • Nor is it clear that web sites that don't have porn would not get a .xxx address to claim that they did.
  • And there are no guarantees that companies that went to .xxx wouldn't keep their existing address, and perhaps get a .gov or .mil address too.
  • However, ICANN hopes a .xxx address will repel under-age viewers, just as they now avoid like the plague any movie with a XXX rating.

So the effect of the proposal will be just as when some guy starts publishing a second Yellow Pages in competition with the phone company: a private racket set up by ICANN can hit up studios, touting .xxx as another place where they need to advertise to avoid being left out.

ICANN has considered the new domain since 2000, as well as a .god domain for churches and .om for mystics, but has rejected .xxx three times. However, an outside panel, consisting of five-star restaurants, luxury hotels, and golf courses, moved ICANN to reconsider its latest rejection, at this exotic venue halfway around the world. ICANN concluded the weeklong meeting here by giving its executives and lawyers two weeks to make proposals for another weeklong meeting in--oh, how about Brussels?

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