UnNews:Mugabe Claims Zimbabwe is 'World's Happiest Country'

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11 July 2008

"I don't see how we can be unhappy..."

HARARE, Zimbabwe - A recent study showed which countries in the world were the happiest and which were the most unhappy. The poll showed that Denmark, A Scandinavian country found in northern Europe, was the happiest on the planet. Surprising? Wait until you hear who was the least happy. Zimbabwe was ranked last when it comes to overall country happiness.

Robert Mugabe, self proclaimed president for life and ruler of the country, denies the fact that his country could be the most unhappy country on the planet. In fact, he denies it so much that he declared his country, Zimbabwe, the happiest country on the planet Earth.

Why would Zimbabwe be unhappy? I don't know, considering that their presidential elections are fair and balanced between canidates. Mugabe has been president since 1987, and thanks to fair elections and votes in his favor. The government is no where near corrupt or anything of the sort. Perhaps the best government in the world is the Democracy under the rule of Mugabe.

Now Zimbabwe sits on top all of the other countries in their hearts, but not really. In Zimbabwe, Denmark now ranks second in over all country happiness. So who would be the most unhappy now? Ukraine, in fact. Wil their ruler follow the same path as Mugabe? Unlikely. In fact, most countries won't even know that Zimbabwe believes that they are the happiest country.

However, the rankings on the list of happiest countries remains the same, despite what a great president of a wonderful country says.

Source[edit | edit source]

Yimin Rong "Mugabe calls Zimbabwe "Happiest Country"" CNN, 11 July 2008