UnNews:Mugabe Attacks "Gay" Mr Tsvangirai

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25 June 2008

Mugabe: hopes Tsvagirai "GET SOME SICK"

Harare, Zimbabwe. Bolstered by the withdrawal from the Presidential Race of his main rival, Morgan Tsvangirai, President Robert Mugabe has launched a stinging attack on the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change. In a message to the people of Zimbabwe in the pro-government Herald newspaper he unleashed the following attack.

"People of Zimbabwe, the events of the last few days have made clear the clamour for democracy in our great nation which has not been quelled by the colonialist quislings of the MDC. As for their so-called leader, Mr Tsvangirai is gay! He is the worst political leader EVER! He SUX! He tried to unseat me! Because I wouldn't respect some gay human rights!! Even though it wasn't my fault! I don't like him and nobody does because he is gay and stupid and ugly and retarded and fat! I wish he gets firedfrom his leadership and goes to the Netherlands or a gay retarded place! he is GAY GAY GAY GAY!!!!! HE IS THE WORST PERSON EVER. HE IS SO BAD. I HOPE HE GET SOME SICK."

The Herald praised "President Mugabe's statesmanlike rhetoric". Mr Tsvangirai was unavailable for comment.

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