UnNews:Korean War sequel enters pre-production
15 October 2006
Hollywood, CA ~ After a nearly 50 year hiatus and much speculation, strong rumours are emanating from Hollywood as to the production of "Korean War II" (working title), the long awaited sequel to the 1950 blockbuster Korean War: Battle for the 38th Parallel. According to sources, the USA and North Korea are set to reprise their roles as the main protagonists in a contemporary setting. Kim Jong Il is likely to asssume the position of director (formerly occupied by his father, Kim Il-Sung), whilst US sources are touting George W. Bush to replace Harry Truman as producer. Bush brings a wealth of experience to the project, having recently produced and directed Gulf War II: Return to Baghdad which, despite receiving very poor reviews throughout the media, continues as one of the longest running shows in recent history, spawning a host of merchandising, two spin-off hit TV series (The Hunt For Saddam and Bodybag Lottery) as well as providing a welcome boost to the U.S. air freight and funeral industries.
Whilst Hollywood sources are understandably reticent about revealing potential content during the pre-production stages, it is expected to feature extensive use of modern CGI techniques as well as an extensive supporting cast. The USA will once again be playing the role of the strong, blonde, freedom-loving champion of democracy, with North and South Korea cast as "the bad guy" and "love interest" respectively. Whilst other roles have yet to be cast, it is expected that Great Britain will reprise her role as faithful sidekick, the performance of which won her an Academy Award for Gulf War II.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- The Glorious DPRK Completely Objective News Service For The Glory of His Holiness The Divine Kim Jong-Il "His Magnificence Kim Jong-Il to crush Capitalism within his mighty fist and rule the world forever" North Korea, October 15, 2006