UnNews:Barack Obama becomes a Political Claude Rains

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1 August 2008

Barack Obama is like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, but appears invisible, is this him?

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- John McCain launched a series of political attack ads on Barack Obama, but a majority of Americans seem confused over who this Barrack Obama really is or even looks like. McCain is confused, and calls Barrack Obama a celebrity like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. This confused many Americans who thought that the Democratic nominee was Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, because they had remembered that a blond woman had run for nomination, but they could not remember her name, except that she was famous for something. But since they cannot see the Democratic nominee or remember his or her face, they picture someone like the Invisible Woman.

NBC's stock photo of what Barack Obama looks like to them.

Some people mistakenly call him Osama Bin Laden on NBC news, and nobody notices the mistake. They even used the wrong picture and didn't show what Barrack Obama looked like in the mainstream media.

Artist depiction of what the real Barrack Obama looks like.

Nobody really knows what the true Barack Obama looks like. In the slow news day of July 29th 2008 at Unnews we reported that nothing happened, McCain threw a tantrum, and some unknown politician stole a bike or something. So Obama is compared to Claude Rains when he ran for office in 1933, and nobody could see him or know who he was because they couldn't see him or known the real him. But a majority of Americans say "Anyone but George W. Bush!" and feel that John McCain is a third term for George W. Bush, but who else is there to vote for? Ah we will figure it out by November 2008.

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