UnNews:BBC admits cum/snot mix up

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18 November 2013

The picture in question.

One of the world's most prestigious news outlets, the BBC, has admitted that a stock photo it used in an article about snot, actually showed a face covered in semen.

"We apologise unreservedly to the model, their family, any readers, and snot and semen fans everywhere," said Director General Lord William Wolmsely Whatwhat. "Several of our website's users brought to our attention the fact that this photo had earlier been used in a story about Lindsay Lohan. We remedied the situation immediately."

However, it seems unlikely the BBC will get away sncot free. The Sun, Britain's most notorious newspaper, led the criticism of the mix-up, with the headline "It's snot right!" plastered garishly over its front page like fresh mucus. Or semen.

UnNews scoured the dour, grimy streets of the British capital, and found a deathly pale looking man near Elephant and Castle. He told us, "It was absolutely disgusting. I was delighted when I saw the headline about snot. Then when I clicked on the story, I barely made it to the end of the first paragraph - so distracting was that picture. I must have gazed at it for 2 or 3 minutes, trying to determine if the viscous fluid was snot or Sailor's delight... and once I was confident it was jism, well you can imagine, I was on the phone to the council right away."

More on this story as it develops.

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