The scientifically biggest page possible

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This is the longest page on Uncyclopedia. It may not look like much, but if you look at the file-size, you will lose all doubt. This page is exactly 2 megabytes in size. This was accomplished with very useful coding skills (being a nerd is cool) that allowed making such a page much easier.

The tools[edit | edit source]

There are a few tools that are being used. The first tool is a looping tool. It basically copy-pastes the same text a precise number of times, to hit the exact number of bytes allowed. This was useful, of course. However, it has a few flaws. One of the flaws is I was unable to see the file-size of the page without trying to publish it, which was slow and I assume very taxing on the servers. So I created another tool, that allows me to view the exact size of the file, as well as the exact number of bytes that I am able to add to a page (or how many I need to remove to be able to publish it).

The pains[edit | edit source]

It was very painful typing this article. Every time I typed a letter, I couldn't see my changes, so I had to wait for 5 seconds to actually see what I typed, and make sure it hadno typoes.

History[edit | edit source]

A little more than 13.7 billion years ago, a massive explosion happened. This explosion was the size of a city, and it created the universe. Soon after, the Earth that we call home (also sexualized by some people. That's right, I'm looking at you, John), was formed from rock and magma. After calling, some 3.7 billion years ago, the first microbes started to appear in our oceans, which soon became our fish. The fish evolved, and over the course of millions of years, they turned into dinosaurs.

After many millions of years of dinosaurs ruling the universe, Humans went back in time and hunted them to extinction, foreshadowing their future. Now with the big monsters down, smaller creatures, called mammals, were able to thrive, no longer being turned into food.

Of these mammals were monkeys, and of these monkeys were Humans. The Humans were a silly bunch, always saying goofy stuff like "unga unga", "sex sex", and "boobies boobies". But over time the density of their brains grew, with their greed and selfishness. They cut down trees, hunted animals to extinction, killed each-other for self-gain, blew each other up while destroying the planet for no reason, and invading land that they don't need, killing many innocent lives in the process.

Humans were a silly bunch. But those few who weren't evil, were stupid. Brain-dead individuals like you and I, who edit on websites such as Uncyclopedia, and Wikipedia. And of course we created amazing thing such as Porn Hub, Tinder, and BOUNCING BOOB VIDEOS!!.

Future[edit | edit source]

We don't have any fortune tellers, only misfortune tellers. That is the sad reality of living in the world that we live in, there is no hope, only destruction. I mean, this is a society where a whopping 30% still believe in a higher power that will "save them" from destruction. But it is all fake, a hoax created by Jesus, the first Human to travel back in time. He tried to save the world, but sadly, he made 1 mistake, believing that Humans can change.

After the Humans destroyed Earth, they escaped to Mars, where they researched time-travel technology. It took a million years, but they eventually learned how to create a time machine to save Earth. However, when they used it, and arrived on past-Earth, they found out that they were no longer human. The millions of years of them evolving has left them to be accustomed to Mars' atmosphere, not Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere. So all they could do is give the technology to the past Humans to do with it what they will.

Of course, Humans being Humans, they made the time machine not to save themselves, but to bring the extinction to, of all things, the dinosaurs. Oh and some loser named Jesus went back 2025 years from today.

History of this page[edit | edit source]

The creator of this page, L10nM4st3r, was counting to a billion, and used a cheaty tool to generate so many numbers, it reached well over the byte-limit of wiki pages. That reached an idea to try to make a page that landed the top spot of the longest page award. However, Forum: pages don't seem to make it in, only main-space articles, like this one, can. So here we are. The longest page on the wiki, and certified as so.

I am now the proud owner of the largest page on the entire wiki. And because this is the original largest page, I can say my idea is truly original. Ha! So if you find any other pages that claim to be the largest page, they are not as grand as this one, the great original. On an unrelated note, I also created what would eventually become the inspiration to the second largest file on Uncyclopedia.