Template:UnSignpost wrapper/doc

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{{UnSignpost wrapper

All parameters must be filled in, except headline2, story2, headline3 and story3.

  • date - the date of the Signpost issue
  • number - the number of the issue
  • headline1, headline2, headline3 - headlines for the news stories
  • story1, story2, story3 - the news stories
  • biopic - the biopic
  • log1, log2, log3 - noteworthy block log entries
  • vfh1, vfh2, vfh3 - top vfh contenders
  • vfh4 - vfh highlight of the week
  • for1, for2, for3 - # of for votes for top vfh contenders
  • against1, against2, against3 - # of against votes for top vfh contenders
  • for4 - # of for votes for vfh highlight of the week
  • against4 - # of against votes for vfh highlight of the week
  • forum1, forum2, forum3, forum4 - noteworthy forums
  • signpostnews - news about the UnSignpost
  • ircquote - noteworthy IRC quote
  • page - name of the subpage of Uncyclopedia:UnSignpost that the given signpost issue is located at

Example usage:

{{UnSignpost wrapper
|date=20 January 1990
|headline1=This is a cool story
|story1='''This is some text''' about something that is cool
|headline2=This is another cool story
|story2='''This is yet more text''' that is probably about something
|headline3=This is a really stupid story
|story3='''Stupid''' stupid stupid duh
|biopic=Our resident banana worm has volunteered the details of her private life, such as that she sleeps in your ear at night and uses your toilet to cook her meals.
|log1=00:00, 1 January 1990 {{u|Some admin}} (talk {{!}} contribs) blocked {{u|Some user}} (talk {{!}} contribs) with an expiry time of 1 century ''(you smell like farts)''
|log2=00:00, 1 January 1990 {{u|Some other admin}} (talk {{!}} contribs) blocked {{u|Some other user}} (talk {{!}} contribs) with an expiry time of infinite ''(you taste like barfed up farts)''
|log3=00:00, 1 January 1990 {{u|Random admin}} (talk {{!}} contribs) blocked {{contr|Some ip address}} (talk) with an expiry time of -3,600 seconds ''(your mum smells like cat pee)''
|vfh1=This is an article
|vfh2=This is not an article
|vfh3=This page does not exist
|vfh4=This page does NOT exist
|forum1=Forum:Forum{{!}}This forum is cool
|forum2=Forum:Some forum{{!}}This forum does not exist
|forum3=Forum:yet another non forum{{!}}This forum does not exist either and is stupid to boot
|forum4=Forum:Hot Girls{{!}}This smells like rats
|signpostnews=Today we bought ice cream and it was really yummy even though it had salt in it.
|ircquote=12:12 <someircuser> this is lots and lots of text
The UnSignpost
The Newspaper Made Entirely From Recycled Internet Memes