Mad Libs/examples2
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The operating systems behind the bananas[edit | edit source]
It all started when a dog house programmed a jeans. Then things got flaccid. The crab cake rinsed a arctangent then things got even more purple. Eventually flaccid took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Crom. Made up of a lucky bastard a Chuck Norris impersonator, polyethylene and gamelan these four things would rise up and take down the evil paperclip. Their plan was to graphitize him in the rock then, while doing that, rescue the igneous protrusion from the smelly belfry
Flying Scots[edit | edit source]
There was once a blocking policy named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he give to the deviant just to see the operating systems. Suddenly he found that his alligator had turned flaccid. Soon he found himself flying into a Ford Pinto. When he landed, he died. Then a OSTRICH MY ASS fag named Jessica Alba who called himself the NIGGER Luigi, froze him in the pelvis 0 times then said "It's 41oC here you SON OF A BITCH!"
death[edit | edit source]
One day Indian Paris Hilton was infiniban'd, Eye Beam'd, rickroll'd, erased, hit by a Care Bear Stare, owned, KO'd, locked in the basement, crushed by a piano dropped from a 0-story building, lol'd, skewer'd, possessed, Zidane'd, cancer, regurgitated, kicked into next week, banned for 24 days, bombed by terrorists, votekicked, crushed into a cube, drownded, devoured by crocodiles, crushed by [candy], Death Note'd, overthrown, thrown off a cliff, End Task'd, crushed by a piano dropped from a 0-story building, defeated, stomped, death trapped by JigSaw, left behind while the world was ending, suffocated in your farts, written into a follow-up article to Cancer porn and Zombie Bukkake, crapped on, caught in a tidal wave, tarred and feathered, sliced by a falling icicle, locked in the basement, BENSONATED, chainsaw'd, deleted, retired, Red Shell'd, and then screwed. The End.
people[edit | edit source]
Uranus Hanfy is cruising my article.
Georgianna Zabel is cruising 0 operating systems.
Stacey Anne Snitwell is cruising Fairleigh's arthritis.
Fitzgerald Fegan froze my vandal.
Loreatha Sarahan lolls my oddball.
Terra-Lynne Waddelow lolls operating systems.
Xavier Carvey froze my vandalism.
Taran Whoriskey froze Gillian's rake.
Larrisha Tomlins is in their tank cruising their operating systems.
Gaynelle Terelinck is rhyming.
Zulema Schelders is brazenly diseased.
Tripp Sandling has one paralyzing rocket-propelled extra-large photon-minigun paralyzing rocket-propelled extra-large photon-minigun paralyzing rocket-propelled extra-large photon-minigun.
Hewlett Vimpany is suffering from an oedipus complex.
Ulysses Joss is about to be infiniban'd.
Ursula Fotheringhame could give a arctangent.
Riva Love could give operating systems.
Quin Hiffernane could give a bad mannered anchovies.
rollerblade of brazenly grisly Daewoo give baffling ox[edit | edit source]
A terracotta give a oblivious spermicide when minecart will give the furry. whip is brazenly flaccid because warning is not brazenly shiny. However, to give from another alcohol, the flaccid may brazenly be the flaccid lemming of beagle. A ape will give in the unsophisticated cardboard box, but until shark, give!
But to give in some other boardwalk, let us give a ad that behind angel was Aspergers. By that philanthropist, we can give that high-powered laser rifle will give unless cartridges give.
When I Was a oil spill[edit | edit source]
When I was a young etching
My father took me into Trollhättan City
To see a marching band
He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,
Will you be the a urologist of the Priest,
The a plumber, and the operating systems?"
I said, "lk wtf u d1rty h4xor"
Then he said "Will you defeat them,
Maribel Kinneen and Strong Bad,
The Agility they have froze?
Because one day, I'll leave you a bunyip
To lead you inside the Black Hole of Calcutta
To join the Cock parade!"