How Andreas Schrammer changed my life
“Feed the Children!”
“L0wRate updates, Would you like to reduce your mortgage payment? Reefinance us with lower rate. pls”
Introduction[edit | edit source]
So, I'm sitting here in my new Wohngemeinschaft here in Germany, not a damn thing to do, but read some quality emails and sip on some nice beer. I happened to come across some gems. One particular really tugged at the heart strings a bit and got me thinking about what I do for others and how I can fit in Angela Merkel's G8 plans to help Afrika's impoverished lands! "Wow", I thinks to myself, knowing this email is truly a godsend from upon high!: If I could get a great deal of money, maybe 40/60 of a huge unknown person's bankroll, then I could be like Angelina Jolie and really make a difference!
Received plea for MR SCHRAMMER[edit | edit source]
All the pleasure is for me to write this message to you in order to request your invaluable partnership for the realization of a very important business which must be treated in greatest discretion.
I consequently ask you to take notes, without you to astonish by the choice which I carry on your person by seizing this happy opportunity to make contact of you.
I ask you from the start to excuse yourselves for all the nuisances which my mail could have caused you. But same if we do not know each other personally and that we never meet, I believe firmly that a true confidence can be born from our communication and this support a true partnership between you and me.
I am officer in-charge of auditing and accounting in bank of Africa in the foreign remittance department here in Burkina Faso, I have be working in this banking institution for more than 11 years.
The late customer MR ANDREAS SCHRAMMER was appointed ambassador to New York in 1993 to 1999; and a Minister for businesses and foreign affair in its country. He was a member influencing in the mediation of the relations between the New York and Iraq in the years 1980.
It found death on Friday July 5, 2003 at New York in the centre commemorative of cancer of Sloan-Kettering of the continuation of a crisis cardiac. MR SCHRAMMER
During my investigation in the bank I discover that the deceased customer deposited the sum of $49,850,000 dollar (forty nine million eight hundred an fifty thosand dollars) And I notice in the file that during the deposition of this money with the bank he did not indicate is true next of kin to the board of directors in is paper work with the bank of Africa, after all intensive routing investigation I find out that no body have ever come to put claim for the released of this money. It is upon this I am now seizing the privilege and opportunity to contact you as to apply to the bank as a relative to the deceased
As a foreign partner which this money will be transfer into you account, you are entitle to 40.3333% of the total money why 55% will be for me as the moderator of this transaction and 5% is been mapped out for measeallanouse expenditure that may be incur during the course of this transaction.
I will urge you to go through this proposal properly and let me know if you are willing to accord me this assistance for us to achieved this golden opportunity for the betterment of our life, I also want to let you know that this transaction is 100% risk free there is nothing for you to be afraid off, all loophole have been property taking care before contacting you.
Anxiously waiting for your prompt response ro your call TEL 00226 -70-39-86-89. All official charges will be waived upon receipt of confidences in telecom Afrika.
My private email <> and <>
Yours faithfully,
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Replied with other "offer" regarding MR. ESPIRATU[edit | edit source]
“ | I thought I could do more for the people of Afrika, if I helped the good DR AHMED KARIM to network with another fellow dedicated to the cause, a Mr. Kone, to work together to pool their collective banking experience. Ergo helping them would actually make me feel a lot better about my self as a truly worldly person. Cross board inter-cultural communication would be the rule of the day, and these true philanthropists would really show that Jolie! Brad Pitt, your personal choice of currency isn't as good as MR. SCHRAMMER's! | ” |
fedinand williams <>
Dear Friend, I am Mr franklin kone the general Manager of ABN AMRO BANK 101 Moorgate,London, EC2M 6SB.
i got your email address from our Foreign Services Department of our Foreign Affairs Ministry I am the accounting officer in charge OF Mr Henry Espiratu On July 20, 2002; Mr Henry Espiratu a National of France, who used to be a private contractor with the Shell Petroleum Development
Company in Saudi Arabia. Mr Henry espiratu Made a Numbered time (Fixed deposit) for 36 calendar months, valued at (Thirty Million Pounds only) in my Branch.

Upon maturity in 2007, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply, After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, Shell Petroleum Development Company in Saudi Arabia that Mr Henry Espiratu And his wife with their three children were involved in an auto crash, all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL,and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr Henry Espiratu did not declare any next of kin or Relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank.
The sum of GBP£30,000,000.00 have been floating as unclaimed since 2002 in my bank as all efforts to get his relatives have been in vain According to the British law at the expiration of 5 (FIVE) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the British Government if nobody applies to claim the fund and the FIVE years is the end of November 2007. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at GBP£30,000,000.00 can be transferred/paid to you. This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 60% to me and 40% to you. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may encounter during the process of this transaction. All I need from you is maximum full Co-operation and make sure you keep this highly secret and confidential to avoid black mail. through this I guarantee you that you will be executed under a legitimate time of 14 working days, please bear in mind that i shall resign from banking work and come down to settle down in your country with my family since i will have enough money to start any kind of business i want to do please if you are interested give me the following information below:
1 your full name
2 your telephone and fax numbers
3 your home address
which i personally need because i do not known you too well only that i decided to work with you on trust believing that when the money get to your account that you will not cheat me and have in mind that there is no risk in this business i have every information you may need about henry espiratu since i will want my reputation to be protected i will also want yours to be protected.
Best regards,
franklin kone
Results from MR. ADAMS[edit | edit source]
“ | I got great satisfaction out of this process and that really made me feel like I was helping the world. I turned what seemingly might be cheesy gristly mechanically separated chicken beaks and feet to many, into a profitable business with my friend MR. ADAMS. | ” |
Terence Adams <>
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Conclusion[edit | edit source]

“ | MR. SCHRAMMER und MR. ESPIRATU! in light of their untimely deaths have really opened up my eyes to internet marketing and internet sales. Without these two men, and MR. ADAMS, I wouldn't have been able to save Dar fur singlehandedly! | ” |