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Not this H&M, though. This is the wrong (Incorrect? False? Hmmm...) one.

Hmmm... is a phrase (Sentence? Word? Hmmm...) that is used when a person has multiple options (Choices? Hmmm...) over what word to use. It is often heard (Found? Hmmm...) in live speech.

History (Archive? Chronicle? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]

The phrase (Term? Hmmm...) was first used (Said? Hmmm...) on the 16th of October by a nurse in the nursing home "Happy House"[1]. (Home? Residence? Hmmm... Happy Residence, though, would sound funny. Hilarious. Humorous. Hmmm...) The very next day, this phrase became popular amongst people of Austin, Texas where the nursing home was located. (Positioned? Based? Hmmm...) People have started using (Saying? Hmmm...) this phrase left and right (Everywhere? The? Hmmm...), most notably in various interviews and news articles[1].

The sex-obsessed teenage boys and overly sensitive teenage girls at Urban Dictionary have an article about Hmmm... far more sexual than this one.

Research (Analysis? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]

Meaning (Definition? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]

The meaning (Explanation? Hmmm...) of the phrase has been discussed (Researched? Examined? Hmmm...) in a lot of scientific papers (Works? Hmmm...), such as "Usage (Use? Hmmm...) of the Phrase "Hmmm...", How To Correctly (Properly? Accurately? Hmmm...) Use "hmmm..." by a known psychologist Kanye West. In this research, Kanye says that the phrase might be a sign (Clue? Signal? Hmmm...) that the speech holder is getting a bit nervous (Tense? Uneasy? Uncomfortable? Uncyclopedia? Hmmm...), or that their vocabulary is very small. (Ummm..., I don't know what word is a synonym to this one. Hmmm...)

Pattern (Common appearance? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]

This is not H&M.

This phrase is often used in parentheses, which contain (Incorporate? Consist of? Hmmm...) every synonym to the word before the parentheses, and then "hmmm...", where the parentheses close. In literature (Books? Printing? Hmmm...), the parentheses and the text inside of them is regularly written in smaller, italic text.

Examples (Cases? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]

References (Sources? Citations? Footnotes? Hmmm...)[edit | edit source]