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BILBO LAND IS TEH PWN![edit | edit source]

I joined the Folding@home team, because I have nothing better to do with my computer.

QUOTES[edit | edit source]

“I'd fuck Bilbobaggins With a rabid monkey OOOOOOHHH YEEEEAAAAHHH!!! PUSH IT GOOOOD!!!!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Bilbobaggins

“My sources say no.”

~ Magic 8-Ball on Bilbobaggins

“Bilbobaggins came to ransom some, to save others, to redeem others. Bilbobaggins ransomed those who were strangers and made them Bilbobaggins's own. And Bilbobaggins set Bilbobaggins's own apart, those whom Bilbobaggins gave as a pledge according to Bilbobaggins's plan. It was not just when Bilbobaggins appeared that Bilbobaggins voluntarily laid down Bilbobaggins's life, but Bilbobaggins voluntarily laid down Bilbobaggins's life from the very day the world came into being.”

~ St. Phillip on Bilbobaggins

did you know...

  • ... that cutting off your hands, nose, and head reduces the spread of germs by 100%?

Sad how whole families are torn apart by simple things, like wild dogs.

“Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.”

~ George W. Bush on ex-FEMA director Michael Brown

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