Uncyclopedia:Featured articles in other languages/Portuguese

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Portuguese[edit source]

Portuguese language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Portuguese featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Academia de musculação Bodybuilding academy (wp)
pt:Acre Acre (state) (wp)
pt:Alberto Santos-Dumont Alberto Santos-Dumont (wp)
pt:Amigo Secreto Secret Santa (wp)
pt:Aniversário de criança Kids birthday party (wp)
pt:Artigo escrito por um pastor evangélico sobre animes e otakus An article written by an Evangelical Pastor about Anime and Okatu
pt:Artigo lisérgico Lysergic article (wp)
pt:As Aventuras de Jeca Valente The Adventures of Jeca Valente
pt:As maiores cantadas infalíveis The most infallible flirtations
pt:Deslistas:As piores profissões possíveis The worst possible professions
pt:Ayrton Senna Ayrton Senna (wp)
pt:As repostas mais idiotas ou criativas que se pode dar em uma prova The most imaginative ways or dumbest answers you can give in as evidence
pt:Bala Soft Bala Soft (a traditional brazilian candy mark)
pt:Bambu Bamboo (wp)
pt:Belo Horizonte Belo Horizonte (wp)
pt:Bernardinho Bernardo Rezende (wp)
pt:Bomberman Bomberman (video game) (wp)
pt:Boneco de posto Airdancer (wp)
pt:Brasil Brazil (wp)
pt:Brasília Brasília (wp)
pt:Botanofilia Botanofilia
pt:Camarão empalado Impaled shrimp
pt:Cana-de-açúcar Sugarcane (wp)
pt:Carinha verde de moto que morre logo no começo da primeira fase do Megaman X2 Green biker dude who dies at the first stage of Megaman X2
pt:Castanha-do-pará Brazil nut (wp)
pt:Cavaleiros do Brasil Knights of Brazil
pt:Chapolin Colorado El Chapulín Colorado (wp)
pt:Churrasco Grego Doner kebab (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Como escrever um artigo idiota e sem-graça na Desciclopédia HowTo:Write a dull or stupid article on Desciclopédia
pt:Deslivros:Como fundar uma Igreja Evangélica HowTo:Start an Evangelical Church
pt:Deslivros:Como montar seu grupo de Rap HowTo:Start a rap group
pt:Deslivros:Como sobreviver a um ataque zumbi HowTo:Survive a zombie attack
pt:Deslivros:Criando seu próprio anime HowTo:Create your own anime
pt:Cabelo Hair (wp)
pt:Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (video game) (wp)
pt:Carro de Telemensagem Telemessage car (sound-cars who send mensages to people, in Brazil)
pt:Coelhinhas da Playboy Playboy Bunny (wp)
pt:Crepúsculo (série) Twilight (series) (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Criando o seu próprio país HowTo:Create your own country (wp)
pt:Dercy Gonçalves Dercy Gonçalves (wp)
pt:Desciclopédia Desciclopédia (wp)
pt:Descobrimento da América Discovery of America (wp)
pt:Dooley Dapper Denver Dooley (wp)
pt:Dr. House House (TV series) (wp)
pt:E.T. do Panamá E.T. of Panamá (wp)
pt:Eternal Champions Eternal Champions (wp)
pt:Figurante de jogos Supporting game characters
pt:Galvão Bueno Galvão Bueno (wp)
pt:Guerra do Paraguai Paraguayan War (wp)
pt:Guerreiras Mágicas de Rayearth Magic Knight Rayearth (wp)
pt:Globo Rural Globo Rural (wp)
pt:Halloween (série) Halloween (franchise) (wp)
pt:Herbalife Herbalife (wp)
pt:História da França History of France (wp)
pt:História de Portugal History of Portugal (wp)
pt:História do Brasil History of Brazil (wp)
pt:Jontex Júnior Jontex Júnior (a condom mark)
pt:Juggernaut Juggernaut (comics) (wp)
pt:Joana d'Arc Joan of Arc (wp)
pt:Juicer Philips Walita Juicer Philips Walita (a Food Processor mark)
pt:Kopi Luwak Kopi Luwak (wp)
pt:Lagoa Grande (Minas Gerais) Lagoa Grande, Minas Gerais (wp)
pt:Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (wp)
pt:Luz visível Visible spectrum (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Lições Práticas de Comunismo - Um relate real da aplicação prática da experiência marxists no system educacional UnBooks:Practical Lessons of Communism: A Real Account of the Practical Application of Marxist Experience in Educational System
pt:Mafagafo Mafagafo
pt:Montagem de Paint Paint edition
pt:Murphydinâmica Quântica Quantum murphydynamics
pt:Niterói Niterói (wp)
pt:Narrador da Sessão da Tarde Narrator of Sessão da Tarde (wp)
pt:Deslivros:O Gênesis, segundo um Descíclope The Book of Genesis, according to an Uncyclopedian (wp)
pt:OSNI (Ufologia) Unidentified Submarine Objects
pt:Ótica (loja) Glasses store
pt:Pacu-caranha Piaractus mesopotamicus (wp) (the word "pacu" in Portuguese forms a pun "pra cu" that means "to ass"
pt:Pedro I do Brasil Pedro I of Brazil (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Pergunta Idiota UnBooks:Dumb Question
pt:Piscina de 1000 litros Pool of 1000 liters (or 265 gallons)
pt:Por que os Beatles acabaram? Why?:Did The Beatles break up? (wp)
pt:Protagonista de jogos Video game protagonists (wp)
pt:Pobre na praia Beach bum (wp)
pt:Professor Großenfibber Professor Grossenfibber (wp)
pt:Deslistas:Programas que passim em horários impossíveis de assistir Television shows that are sometimes impossible to watch
pt:Rebaixamento Promotion and relegation (wp)
pt:Rede Globo Rede Globo (wp)
pt:Remoção de conteúdo de páginas por engano Removing content from pages by mistake (wp)
pt:Revista Veja Veja (magazine) (wp)
pt:Revistofilia Magazinephilia
pt:Rifa Raffle (wp)
pt:Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima Ronaldo (wp)
pt:Religião da Grécia Antiga Ancient Greek religion (wp)
pt:Samus Aran Samus Aran (wp)
pt:Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Moderno New7Wonders of the World (wp)
pt:Seu Madruga Don Ramón (wp)
pt:Street Fighter II Victory Street Fighter II V (wp)
pt:Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Antigo Seven Wonders of the World (wp)
pt:Taubaté Taubaté (wp)
pt:Televisão no Brasil Television in Brazil (wp)
pt:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (wp)
pt:Tibia Tibia (video game) (wp)
pt:Yu Yu Hakusho YuYu Hakusho (wp)
pt:Zeca Urubu Buzz Buzzard (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Deslivros:A Divina Comédia Divine Comedy (wp)
pt:Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (wp)
pt:Alemanha Germany (wp)
pt:Argentina Argentina (wp)
pt:Anticristo Antichrist (wp)
pt:Cavaleiros do Zodíaco Saint Seiya (wp)
pt:Dez Mandamentos Ten Commandments (wp)
pt:Emo Emo (wp)
pt:Emoção Emotion (wp)
pt:Energia Energy (wp)
pt:Estados Unidos do Sul Southern United States (wp)
pt:Fernão de Magalhães Ferdinand Magellan (wp)
pt:Futebol americano American football (wp)
pt:Genghis Khan Genghis Khan (wp)
pt:Gladiador Gladiator (wp)
pt:Guerra do Vietnã Vietnam War (wp)
pt:Inundação Flood (wp)
pt:Joanesburgo Johannesburg (wp)
pt:Júlio César Julius Caesar (wp)
pt:Katana Katana (wp)
pt:Ku Klux Klan Ku Klux Klan (wp)
pt:Marco Aurélio Antonino Augusto Marcus Aurelius (wp)
pt:Mecânica Quântica Quantum mechanics (wp)
pt:Naruto Naruto (wp)
pt:Nerd Nerd (wp)
pt:Ninja Ninja (wp)
pt:Otaku Otaku (wp)
pt:Outdoor Billboard (wp)
pt:Pena de morte Capital punishment (wp)
pt:Plágio Plagiarism (wp)
pt:Programa Apollo Apollo program (wp)
pt:Renascimento (escola artística) The Renaissance (wp)
pt:René Descartes René Descartes (wp)
pt:República Tcheca Czech Republic (wp)
pt:Segunda Guerra Mundial World War II (wp)
pt:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (wp)
pt:The Sims The Sims (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:AAA AAA (wp)
pt:All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us (wp)
pt:Aplicações da Lei de Murphy em dispositivos antigravitacionais felinos Murphy's law application for antigravitatory cats
pt:Apple Apple Inc. (wp)
pt:Cheiramento de gatinhos Kitten huffing (wp)
pt:Estereótipo Stereotype (wp)
pt:Febre amarela Yellow fever (wp)
pt:George Walker Bush George W. Bush (wp)
pt:Língua inglesa English language (wp)
pt:Power Rangers Power Rangers (wp)
pt:Reggae Reggae (wp)
pt:Universo Universe (wp)
pt:Wikipédia Wikipedia (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Portuguese articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Água Water (wp)
pt:Batman Batman (wp)
pt:Death Note Death Note (wp)
pt:Digimon Digimon (wp)
pt:Dragon Ball Dragon Ball (wp)
pt:Grand Theft Auto IV Grand Theft Auto IV (wp)
pt:Hormônio Hormone (wp)
pt:Indie Indie rock (wp)
pt:Monty Python Monty Python (wp)
pt:Neve Snow (wp)
pt:Pink Floyd Pink Floyd (wp)
pt:Pirulito Lollipop (wp)
pt:Pokémon Pokémon (wp)
pt:Pelé Pelé (wp)
pt:Sofá Couch (wp)
pt:Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog (wp)
pt:웃 Stick figure (wp)
pt:Tóquio Tokyo (wp)