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Two homiesexuals kissing each other goodnight.

Homiesexuality is a form of sexuality where two guys who are friends (homies) have hot gay buttsex frequently. The key difference between being homiesexual and being homosexual is that homiesexuals, despite being men attracted to other men, aren't gay. There are many ways for it to not be gay, but saying "no homo" or wearing socks is the most common way.

History[edit | edit source]

Literature involving homiesexuality has mostly been wiped out by the Catholic Church and some random guy named Albert. It is a well known fact that all the Popes had hot gay buttsex. They usually did this with children, but sometimes they actually did the do with adults. They were still a little young, but it was perfectly fine because the times were different, although, it was still mostly with kids.

Homiesexuality was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, however, since everyone was having sex constantly back then, they didn't have a name for this sexuality. The word Homiesexual first appeared in 535 in the Byzantine Empire when Emperor Justinian had to tell his wife that "NOOOOO IT'S NOT GAY, WE'RE HOMIES, IT'S HOMIESEXUAL", after being caught having an affair with over 9000 impoverished peasants. His wife, dying of cancer, simply replied with "ugh".

The first openly homiesexual person in history was King Arthur, who had lots of hot gay buttsex and mouthsex with his Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur and everyone he knew called them "Knights of the Sex".

Not much is known about homiesexuality in the Middle Ages, since most literature was burned. However, it was thought to have been less common, or, at the very least, not many people were openly homiesexual due to a strange societal taboo. However, hot gay buttsex still existed in the Middle Ages, and some people still practiced it, albeit in secrecy.

Homiesexuality seen an increase in recent years due big buff men who want to have super duper hot gay buttsex with other big buff men without being called gay becoming more common. As of recent, even women are now identifying as "homiesexual", albeit not many are.

Women and Homiesexuality[edit | edit source]

Many female homiesexuals do not follow the rules of homiesexuality, such as having buttsex, wearing socks, not sleeping in the same bed, and not being romantical. Due to this, many homiesexuals see female homiesexuals in a negative light.