Forum:We need our own version of ClickHole

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > We need our own version of ClickHole
Note: This topic has been unedited for 2284 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Like many other people, I found out about ClickHole when it first launched... However I've been reading, watching it's videos, doing it's quizzes and clicking through slideshows and I never thought I could find true love in my entire lifetime. This site is fucking funny, as in "I'm laughing so hard I'm probably going to fucking die funny". Every bit of it is subversion at it's finest; common sense gets thrown out the window in exchange for absurdity, misdirection, misappropriation and the mundane as well as the weird and polarizing. It takes the elements of internet culture that everybody takes for granted and makes it overexcessive and exaggerated, diluting the formalities of the culture to 3 things. Popularity, shares and clicks.

This is humor for trendy young people, this is humor that's not limited nor is it something that's traditional. In fact it may even be the future of comedy.

Which is why we need our own version of ClickHole.

I hold the belief that sites like Uncyclopedia can help people hone and expand their comedic skills and give people who are looking for something funny well... something funny. In the early days of the internet when video content wasn't being produced like crazy, people actually took the time to read Uncyclopedia and understand it's humor; nowadays people see this site as an archive of what the internet used to be instead of a resource for humor for both readers and writers specifically this fork which may as well have become undead at some point.

Who wouldn't want to write their own Onion-like articles or create a scathing satire or even just create something that's just straight out laughs... Whatever happened to that dream? It's as if people have turned away from user generated Creative Commons content for sites that deliver a more consistent product with video or offer you the ability to host your humor but without much of the community aspects that Uncyclopedia has.

I for one would like the ability to create ClickHole like content and I'm pretty sure other people would like to create it as well.

The Uncyclomedia Project has so many experienced developers, writers, potatoshoppers and general participants that could try to find a way to replicate ClickHole's design into something where anybody can contribute, not just a set group of people. It's going to be hard replicating the fun parts like the quizzes and the videos (especially the videos, those are fucking funny) but fuck it, a circle is going to go through a square no matter what.

I know Kip the Dip has been talking with some people about making this a possibility but it's time we make this happen, it's time we show these young people that it's cool to write your own shit, that it's cool to create your own shit and it's cool to use us as a doormat to improve your humor then leave us once you get a dream job at The Onion.

Besides, we need new life here... We could be looking at the next age of Uncyclopedia, one which could possibly be better than Uncyclopedia's peak years especially considering all the fucked up humorous shit happening to this planet earth.

Comments and discussion go below and yeah, let's try to make this happen. --RealLifeCartman (talk) 08:53, 26 July 2017 (UTC)

I don't know what this means, but any change would be welcome. Meanwhile, you can make these boobs move. Leverage (talk) 19:45, 26 July 2017 (UTC)
