Forum:Idea Graveyard

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Idea Graveyard
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6300 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I propose this as a place to remember all the ideas that people once were enthusiastic about but then sort of forgot. (See also: Forum:We should think up something cool then forget about it.) Perhaps if we're reminded of them, something will actually happen with them! Probably not, though, because everyone hates my ideas. (I should note that I'm kidding when I say stuff like this, because sometimes people think I'm serious.)

I'll start off by adding a few I'm aware of (often because I wrote them), and other people can add theirs if they want.—Sir Mandaliet CUN PS VFH GN (talk) 20:44, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Shouldn't forum articles only be considered "dead" if they are off page 1 and into page 2 or further? On page 1, someone might still care about them... possibly. ~ Ghelæ talkcontribs 12:30, 8 August 2006 (UTC)

Dead ideas

Comatose ideas

More from the "yeah, but it'll never happen..." collection

  • Working .SVG support
  • A complete, working set of interlanguage links between all (currently two dozen) languages
  • Common login to all Uncyclomedia projects in the same language (ie: en-commons-meta)
  • Common login between wikis and related non-wiki applications, such as a proper forum system or a rating system
  • Proper categorisation of this mess, or at least organise the openclipart stuff so we can find it (not that that does us any good in en: if we can't include common images directly from here)
  • An Uncyclomedia Foundation that exists in something other than name only.
  • An updated copy of everything in one place, so that there's more than just a {{languages}} template to tie the scattered bits together.
  • A magazine-format archive of key articles as-featured, seperate from the version currently being defaced with new edits
  • A server with no bloody advertisements on our pages and the original non-commercial license retained when our text is translated.
  • A version of MediaWiki, just for once, that doesn't contain a long list of bugs
  • A half-decent namespace manager that isn't either vapourware or kludgeware.
  • UnMerchandise
  • Launch an Uncyclomania convention
  • Apologise to User:Iritscen
  • Fly to the moon.
  • Forum:Proposal:UnAds

Missing in action

  • An explanation of how Andy Dufresne managed to pin the poster back up when he escaped from his cell. FreeMorpheme 22:04, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Stuff that did work

Looking only at the empty half of the glass can be a little frustranting, so let's rejoice for this ones.---Asteroid B612B612.jpg (aka Rataube) - Ñ 01:40, 8 August 2006 (UTC)

  • UnNews
  • Radio Free Lunch
  • Poo Lit Surprise
  • An end to the use of Undictionary as dumping ground for QVFDable substubs.
  • Unbooks
  • Babel. The sun never sets on the Uncyclopedian empire.
  • New Forum
  • Add more