Forum:How do i add a text box (or whatever its called) to a picture

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > How do i add a text box (or whatever its called) to a picture
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4709 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

i need help putting a description on a picture with the light blue shaded box around it. how do i add the border and text around the picture? – Preceding unsigned comment added by Crazypatsfan97 (talk • contribs)

You mean like this?
This is an example. Of what, I have no idea.
Or something else? I'd suggest reading the beginner's guide, actually, as well as those other nice links Zombiebaron provided on your talkpage, before you do much else. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101204 - 05:49 (UTC)
First, print off the page the picture is one. Open the picture on your screen, then start up Notepad, type out the text, print it off and paste it under the picture. Then take a picture of the picture and the text, shake it in the air and/or hold it under your arm until it develops, and paste it to the original printout. Ta da! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:00, December 4, 2010 (UTC)