Woop sie (perso n)

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dis article i no t bing consdred for speey delion in acrdace wih Uncyopedis deleon poiy.|f=left|ts=|tt=0|m=28px|b=0|s=11px|styles=||inherit|}}}}}

It is currtly not liftd ad QuicFVD.

He reeson givis: Too manyti tytpos

Warning.png WAR NIGN: TIHS PAHE HA MA NYTIPOS. Warning.png

Bcaus off there socalled inteliganc, te so -cled exprets at wik eep eed ir a will ner haf a poper artile abut Woopsi. We are sory for ther blatant retardedns.
Eye lovd tytpoools.

Whoop s, tihs pahe ha manytipos,it was wrotte verry quickly .

Anyway, Whooziee is a person borne in Paul a rund 1145, and iz very sezy, and is anicegrl. Uforyunstly she is hay, the worlds firt ghey peron.

Sge, I men he, I mean shris a girl physcsly, but is gay. Sge die at ageof 187, a world reord, and dis lag a recordof mdt tyos in asigle sentane.

Sheinvendd te word ghey cusshe c oult. Sge alwa ys types quickly making typos, so what alled "Whioopie", marcing herhis rel name. Apparently traveled to thfiuture[citation needed] an mae an article aboi herself in Ucyloped is.

Bography[edit | edit source]

No hat nuch is know abit her but this is w hat is:

Whe che ws a litle girly, he sufered supram brainzdamage.

He loved hinting cows and seep,but killed many lionz and ele pants too, no oly feedig hir town bur keepig itsfe.

When se reched th ageof 37, shee was nighted by theking.

She hi 42 cows with a single sper thro whn shhe waas abut da sam age ass thge nuber off coes killded.

Att asge of 53, sshe beacme teh Qeuen of Paelau.

At thr age of 80 was cursed to liv forver bye a which caled Hoonie,az punishmend fr starding war, druingd a tipoo, she ment nor to stard the wat , whoopzi e. He final commit suicue a the agr o 187.

Ths arile is full of typos on he honor as ahero, just hoe shewoul always wan't |t. As a reslt, natIonaz tiyp da was cretd n he rhonr.

Achiaenvment s[edit | edit source]

  • 1ts porsen to fiht th e wilde bor ar ande win!
  • 1sy gayh presson
  • BEc aeme teh Qen ov Palppua in 1918
  • Cru sed by w ithc Honoie
  • Fisrt pros ean to cmoit Suvcide
  • Tge lonbgest leviang houm en on Ertgh
  • Ddeid
  • Mos typis on ine sentace

Notes[edit | edit source]

Seh my be ghay, invedet thge world "gay", but notboty unterdand whd id menth whent shge cled herdelf gehy.