Video Game Criticism

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“In Soviet Russia,video game criticize you”

~ Russian reversal on video game critcism

“So violence in video games, good or bad. Personally I don't care, I love a good gore game, plus anything to do with stealth kills, head explosions, and the all mighty fav. the cat silencer...What has this world come too when I can't play a good and simple gore game, come on, if these political idiots get there way and ban our favorite games what next, ban the internet, or books even . . .”

~ Robert Newell on Video Game Criticism

“get real. like the old saying "guns dont kill people, people kill people" the same can be said for video games, and all other forms of media today. parents have the ability to teach their children what fantasy is and is not. I should know, im a mother of a son. if a child is raised with good morality and knows video games are just that-GAMES-youngsters will be find.”

~ amarh21 on Video Game Criticism

“Video games? In my day all I had was a piece of string and my penis and I don't recall complaining.”

~ Old person on Video game criticism

Video games criticism has come to existence due to a minutiae of reasons including "violence" and "suggestive themes." The enraged critics of video games include politicians, parents, and mammals of the canine family. These two point five categories are broken down into groups below.

Politicians[edit | edit source]

Politicians pose the largest threat for many video game fans(i.e. with the exception of those who play educational video games). Politicians have come the consensus that Grand Theft Auto is by far the most violent, perverse game series. Though the franchise started many years before their controversial release of Grand Theft Auto III, this is the first time it has come under the scrutiny of the political spectrum. But the first video game that was under political attack was Mortal Kombat. As one of the first easily accessible video game that displayed blood and dipicted and encouraged gore-filled scenes. Politicians have outwardly spoken on their obvious hatred of all things entertaining that they, themselves, are incapable of understanding. Such attitudes can be summed into two different categories the , "Video Game violence melts children's brains" and the, "I hate video game violence so much the space-time continuum distorts my perception of reality in such ways that would conclusively cause excessive and painful flatulence." This is what makes politicians so incompetent when dealing with technology. They want to destroy video games due to their own inability to discriminate between reality and an electronic device used to manipulate images on a video display.

Parents[edit | edit source]

Parents have been caught in the middle of this debate. Their children have been trying to convince them that their violence has not been caused by video games, but instead by books. Politicians say the violence is caused by the video games, excluding educational video games. Instead of teaching children "real-life" situations such as depicted in Grand Theft Auto, -such as in a hypthetical situation in which you have a prostitute in your car just after the business, you want your hard-earned (or stolen) money back, so you get out and murder her(or him?), gaining a level one warrant. You then could take the car with the body in the trunk and drive it off a cliff as you roll out, or you could wait for the police and get your "ass beat" by "the man."- politicians wish parents to believe that children will reinact these situations by vicarious learning, thus almost conditioning them to commit horrendious acts unconsciously.

Dogs[edit | edit source]

Dogs require attention from their owners in order to survive the domestic lifestyle. Children no longer desire the responsibility to take care of dogs. The dogs are taking notice to this trend and its correlation to video games. Dogs have attempted to break into video games in order to return popular culture focus back onto themselves. Dogs are not welcoming their new spot in the closet with all the other forgotten toys.

See Also[edit | edit source]