User talk:Romaioktonos/Hatsune Miku

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Demystification of humors The reference to 300: an ambiguous reference both to the Lochos Hieros ton Thebon/Sacred Band of Thebes (in the actual historical battle of Leuktra and Chaironeia/Chaeronea) and the more obvious 300, the Spartans.

Gordian Knot... Enough said.

Boukephalos: original Greek name for the horse Bucephalus, meaning bull's head

SUDO: the Superuser-do, for the techno-nerds. Now replaced with Superuser

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Huxley's Brave New World, Alexandros' campaigns (those who know will spot the falsehoods), Post-Peloponnesian Greek History, and the succession (plenty of misinformation there), as well as Miku's songs

Obsession with Castration: Alexandros was hypersexual, not to mention bisexuality

and etc... Romaioktonos 03:26, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

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Kawaii Mikuuuuuuuuu!-- 12:34, April 25, 2011 (UTC)