User:Xing 38
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Ni hao, my name is Xing 38 and I make articles. I am the Chinese version of Spam Removal Unit. I can make color ASCII art for you.
One thing that bothers me is people saying that Xi Jinping looks like Winnie The Pooh. True story. We all will come together, under one! Another thing that bothered me was ThE GrEaT lEaP FoRwArD. One of the best person's dumbest mistakes. And many others, like Taiwan. Thinks it's a country, how cute. Basically a lot of thing happening here in China. I fight for the People's Liberation Army, all the time. I liked the USSR, but they starved everybody, so I didn't like them too much. psst..dont tell the president... we are building miltary bases in the south china sea.. Anyway we are always fighting for NON-COUNTERFEIT items, for example some ruffians make fake eggs. And fake cars. I fight for the People's Liberation Army on here to make Uncyclopedia more COMMUNIST!
“an page like many others... OR NOT!!.”
“in soviet Russia, user page sees YOU!!.”
This user is a ninja and lives in a fake village in North Korea. |
troll mathematics[edit | edit source]
the secret of troll mathematics is to piss you off
the theory of the infinite numerical expression
first we admit that is the same as
we put the same denominators
then we erase the same denominators
then we pass 3 to the other side dividing
BUT in math we must simplify fractions first before do any thing
the hard you try to make this expression the harder you get stuck in this infinite loop and easily get bat fuck insane
0 goes into 0 one time, then
u mad Pythagoras?
u jelly Archimedes?
btw, the prove of this highly developed formulas is in this highly developed formula:
if this works i dunno lol ¯\(ಥಿ೪ಥ)/¯
how to not fly[edit | edit source]
IF the video is not loading please go here
great edits (generally vandalism) on wikipedia[edit | edit source]