User:Xander/Random quotes

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Random quotes from various people. For quotes did not make the cut in my articles, go here.

“Wow! They were right! It is a deadly killer!”

Real world physics can kiss my ass!”

~ Andrew Spinks on the development of Terraria

“Don't worry. I'll find a place where people would be willing to hear a story about Whitney.”

~ the author on potential wikis where he can do an article on Whitney Baird

“YEEAAHHHHH! Stabby thingy!

~ Greeny on shortswords and spears

Damn, he's good!”

~ Bruce Willis on Jim T Myhre Kjexrud

“Whoo, baby!”

“Aw, yeah! 3. 2. 1, let's jam!”

“That's a good one!”

Man, what a bitch!”

~ Everybody else on Anita Sarkeesian

“'Astos'? Mo' like, 'Yo ass is toast!'”

~ Black Mage on defeating Astos

“If you can't draw, never fear, just steal some graphics from your favorite video game. And add yet another unlicensed pixel comic to the overcrowded, overstunk landfill of web comics.”

~ Strong Bad on sprite comics

Uncle Grandpa is dead.”

Want more? See Random prose!